The incredible healing properties of honey cakes
If your child has a prolonged cough, and you have tried all the tools out there! Effective remedy for any lingering cough and diseases of the respiratory organs –honey cake.
Cough and coldIngredients:
Cough and bronchitisRecipe 1Ingredients:
Recipe 2Ingredients:
Mix all ingredients. Roll out the mass to form a pellet. Put the resulting bread on the chest or back of the child between the shoulder blades. Important! In the region of the heart it cannot be applied!
For the treatment of lactoseLactose is the problem of nursing mothers who have given birth recently. Milk stagnates in the breast and milk ducts do not miss it. Usually this unpleasant condition not only leads to pain in the Breasts, but also to high temperature. Maybe even burn the milk! Honey cake – a great help with lactose.
All we need in this recipe is honey and flour. Both products take this number to make a sticky mass.
1. Mix the flour and honey.
2. To the Breasts, leaving the nipple free.
3. Cover it with a clean cloth or polythene.
4. To lock the chest tight t-shirt or bra.
5. To make overnight or at least for a few hours.
This method is effective for getting rid of lactose. Before applying a compress, you need to massage the chest, if possible, to Express a little milk (to relieve pain).
It should be noted that before using this tool, you should first consult a doctor if he approves this folk remedy, you can safely use it.
From abscessAnother very effective national application of honey – cake from the abscess. Often use the simplest option: equal proportion of honey and flour. Mix until smooth and apply weight to the place of the boil at least 12 hours. The active ingredients of the honey pull the pus from the site of the abscess, and flour cans useful components. So bee elixir is absorbed very slowly, and inflammation, meanwhile, is leaving.
The correct application:Recipe 1 designed for use with any cough, including those with the common cold. As a rule, a warm scarf to warm up the respiratory system does not work, therefore use the following method. The child's chest well rubbed with no additional funds, and then put the honey cake on the skin. The hot spot harbouring a clean cloth, and then with a blanket. Weight should be in the chest at least 3 hours.
Recipes 2 and 3 are used in the same way as the first, and is designed not only to address the cough, but also for the treatment of bronchitis. It is very important not to put the cake on the region of the heart! This recommendation must be adhered to always. You can do two pack – and on the back and on the chest. In this case, you will need to tape them with a bandage. The duration of use of such honey compresses at least 3 days, better 5, to lasting effect.
When lactose honey medicine used to relieve pain and soften the breast. Usually during the week. Also important, despite the pain, continue to feed the baby. In the mode of sucking the baby helps the milk ducts to be developed, and the milk moves faster.
Possible contraindicationsthe Main contraindication is Allergy to honey in children or adults. If there is local irritation of the skin may compress just overexposed. Do not abuse this treatment. Also it is not used if the patient has psoriasis, eczema or infectious skin diseases such as ringworm. published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind - together we change the world! ©
Source: //kakmed.ru/zdorove/1809-medovye-lepeshki/

Cough and coldIngredients:
- Honey (teaspoon);
- Salt (teaspoon);
- Bandage or clean cloth.
Cough and bronchitisRecipe 1Ingredients:
- Flour (20 g);
- Honey (20 grams);
- Sunflower oil (20 grams);
- A bandage or cloth (a small piece).

Recipe 2Ingredients:
- Dry mustard;
- Honey;
- Sunflower oil
- Flour
Mix all ingredients. Roll out the mass to form a pellet. Put the resulting bread on the chest or back of the child between the shoulder blades. Important! In the region of the heart it cannot be applied!
For the treatment of lactoseLactose is the problem of nursing mothers who have given birth recently. Milk stagnates in the breast and milk ducts do not miss it. Usually this unpleasant condition not only leads to pain in the Breasts, but also to high temperature. Maybe even burn the milk! Honey cake – a great help with lactose.
All we need in this recipe is honey and flour. Both products take this number to make a sticky mass.
1. Mix the flour and honey.
2. To the Breasts, leaving the nipple free.
3. Cover it with a clean cloth or polythene.
4. To lock the chest tight t-shirt or bra.
5. To make overnight or at least for a few hours.
This method is effective for getting rid of lactose. Before applying a compress, you need to massage the chest, if possible, to Express a little milk (to relieve pain).
It should be noted that before using this tool, you should first consult a doctor if he approves this folk remedy, you can safely use it.
From abscessAnother very effective national application of honey – cake from the abscess. Often use the simplest option: equal proportion of honey and flour. Mix until smooth and apply weight to the place of the boil at least 12 hours. The active ingredients of the honey pull the pus from the site of the abscess, and flour cans useful components. So bee elixir is absorbed very slowly, and inflammation, meanwhile, is leaving.
The correct application:Recipe 1 designed for use with any cough, including those with the common cold. As a rule, a warm scarf to warm up the respiratory system does not work, therefore use the following method. The child's chest well rubbed with no additional funds, and then put the honey cake on the skin. The hot spot harbouring a clean cloth, and then with a blanket. Weight should be in the chest at least 3 hours.
Recipes 2 and 3 are used in the same way as the first, and is designed not only to address the cough, but also for the treatment of bronchitis. It is very important not to put the cake on the region of the heart! This recommendation must be adhered to always. You can do two pack – and on the back and on the chest. In this case, you will need to tape them with a bandage. The duration of use of such honey compresses at least 3 days, better 5, to lasting effect.
When lactose honey medicine used to relieve pain and soften the breast. Usually during the week. Also important, despite the pain, continue to feed the baby. In the mode of sucking the baby helps the milk ducts to be developed, and the milk moves faster.
Possible contraindicationsthe Main contraindication is Allergy to honey in children or adults. If there is local irritation of the skin may compress just overexposed. Do not abuse this treatment. Also it is not used if the patient has psoriasis, eczema or infectious skin diseases such as ringworm. published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind - together we change the world! ©
Source: //kakmed.ru/zdorove/1809-medovye-lepeshki/
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