15 illustrations that show the world our unvarnished
Twenty four million six hundred fifty seven thousand eight hundred fifty nine
Melgrati Marco (Marco Melgrati) — talented Italian artist, who in his honest illustrations shows our reality for what it is. His work is a real mirror of modern life.
Site offers you to enjoy the best pictures Marco. And to monitor the emergence of new work on instagram and on the website of the author.
From the heart
Happy selfie
Dreams of freedom
Morning ritual
First sight
The path to glory
Big plans
A portrait of the future
A modern fairy tale from Disney
The rapid aging of
The new religion
Instead of music
Modern love
Uncrowned king
Photo on preview Marco Melgrati
See also
15 illustrations that rip the mask from our world
Seeing these pictures once, you will not cease to ask questions to the world
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-hudozhniki/odnazhdy-uvidev-eti-kartiny-vy-ne-perestanete-zadavat-voprosy-miru-936210/
Melgrati Marco (Marco Melgrati) — talented Italian artist, who in his honest illustrations shows our reality for what it is. His work is a real mirror of modern life.
Site offers you to enjoy the best pictures Marco. And to monitor the emergence of new work on instagram and on the website of the author.
From the heart

Happy selfie

Dreams of freedom

Morning ritual

First sight

The path to glory


Big plans

A portrait of the future

A modern fairy tale from Disney

The rapid aging of

The new religion

Instead of music

Modern love

Uncrowned king

Photo on preview Marco Melgrati
See also
15 illustrations that rip the mask from our world
Seeing these pictures once, you will not cease to ask questions to the world
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-hudozhniki/odnazhdy-uvidev-eti-kartiny-vy-ne-perestanete-zadavat-voprosy-miru-936210/
10 insane beauty standards of the past, that are hard to believe
Today this beauty is not a sight to behold. But it was not always