Personally made tea for weight loss! A handful of herbs, and the body was purified on 5 kg...
If you want to eat, and basically something sweet, this drug will save! A decoction of the herbs, which now will be discussed, can be called the most effective drink for weight loss and reduce appetite.
Herbal tea expels from the body all superfluous: and toxins and water and also helps in improving digestion and suppress your appetite. All components are natural, they are easy to find at the drugstore, and the price is nice...
Drinking tea for weight loss at home should be courses: 2 weeks of drinking, 2 weeks break and repeat. The ease of instant reducing abdomen, feeling great the whole day these are the gifts you'll get, brew a Cup of this tea. Let's get started!
Homemade tea for powdermagazine
The characteristics of the composition
Slimming tea and homemade recipe? Is it possible? Yes, pharmacy weight loss tea have a significant cost, but that does not mean that they are better than homemade teas made from herbs.
Mixing his own tea, you can be sure that it does not contain harmful substances. After all, why not just throw in these store-bought mixes for quick weight loss...
If your life is accompanied by constant sleepiness and a fatigue that makes you want to eat and overeat — this tea will help! You'll see.
© DepositPhotos
Share recipes with friends. I respect that this herbal. Really want to help others feel better, to become slim and energetic! Life is too short to live it anyhow.
Now everyone can publish articles
Try this first! To WRITE an ARTICLE the Author
Alexander Klimchuk Since childhood, interested in medicine, grew up in a family of doctors. Knows how to make a fancy Breakfast out of nothing, is not afraid to experiment in the kitchen, making pies without flour, low-fat mayonnaise, healthy sweets. Never give up and believes that people are created to help each other! In all its domestic Affairs the assistant to the son Sasha. Alexandra's favorite book — "the Art of loving" by E. Fromm.
Herbal tea expels from the body all superfluous: and toxins and water and also helps in improving digestion and suppress your appetite. All components are natural, they are easy to find at the drugstore, and the price is nice...
Drinking tea for weight loss at home should be courses: 2 weeks of drinking, 2 weeks break and repeat. The ease of instant reducing abdomen, feeling great the whole day these are the gifts you'll get, brew a Cup of this tea. Let's get started!

Homemade tea for powdermagazine
- 50 g of oak bark
- 50 g of buckthorn
- 50 g of wormwood
- 50 g of yarrow
- 50 g of tansy
- 1 tbsp. boiling water
The characteristics of the composition
- Oak bark contains calcium, slimming, and tannins, beneficial effects acting on the intestinal wall and stomach.
- Buckthorn has a laxative effect and helps excrete particles of undigested food.
- Bitter wormwood helps in the burning of internal fat, inhibits appetite, and destroys parasites in the body.
- Yarrow speeds up the digestive processes and has a positive effect on the smooth muscles of the intestine.
- Tansy stimulates the secretory and motor processes in the gastrointestinal tract, has a strong antimicrobial and anti-parasitic activity.
- Mix all the herbs, place them in a glass jar with a tight fitting lid. Supply dry mix for branded tea is ready!
© DepositPhotos - 1 tsp. herb mixture pour a glass of boiling water, let infuse for 10 minutes. It is convenient to use a thermos for this purpose, but brewing tea in a teapot and a French press and mug.
© DepositPhotos - Drink 1 Cup of tea first thing in the morning while it is still warm. Tea is bitter, therefore I recommend to eat it with a small amount of honey. This trick get rid of the unpleasant taste sensations, and also have a positive effect on the digestive system.
© DepositPhotos - Get to Breakfast half an hour after mug of this tea!
© DepositPhotos
Slimming tea and homemade recipe? Is it possible? Yes, pharmacy weight loss tea have a significant cost, but that does not mean that they are better than homemade teas made from herbs.
Mixing his own tea, you can be sure that it does not contain harmful substances. After all, why not just throw in these store-bought mixes for quick weight loss...
If your life is accompanied by constant sleepiness and a fatigue that makes you want to eat and overeat — this tea will help! You'll see.

© DepositPhotos
Share recipes with friends. I respect that this herbal. Really want to help others feel better, to become slim and energetic! Life is too short to live it anyhow.
Now everyone can publish articles
Try this first! To WRITE an ARTICLE the Author

Alexander Klimchuk Since childhood, interested in medicine, grew up in a family of doctors. Knows how to make a fancy Breakfast out of nothing, is not afraid to experiment in the kitchen, making pies without flour, low-fat mayonnaise, healthy sweets. Never give up and believes that people are created to help each other! In all its domestic Affairs the assistant to the son Sasha. Alexandra's favorite book — "the Art of loving" by E. Fromm.
This disgusting bathroom after renovation has turned into the most romantic place in the house!
The health of your feet: one little secret will reduce trips to the doctor! Healing alternative medicine.