How did the ideals of the female figure in 60 years
Eighty seven million three hundred twenty three thousand five hundred fifteen
It is always interesting to observe how the changing notions of female beauty. Along with the beautiful half of humanity.
We Site was kinda surprised by the results of a study conducted by one of the British brands of underwear.
Ninety one million seven hundred twenty thousand four hundred fifty eight
So, for 60 years, the average woman addedin weight13 kilograms. It is understandable, because podrasti she 9 inches and became more seductive, curvy shape.
Women's Breasts have increased on average by 2 size. In 50-ies of the last century, ladies were more petite and had waist on 15 inches thinner than now, and foot size as Thumbelina — on 3 sizes less. Woman of 1957 wore Forty(European) clothing size and in 2017 it has changed to Forty four(European).
Thirteen million seventy three thousand one hundred twenty two
The experts who conducted the study believe that the reasons lie in the change of women's quality of life. They began to make more money, lead a healthy lifestyle, exercise and eat better.
For example, if in 1957 a woman consumes an average of 1800 calories a day, in 2017 — about 2300 calories. So modern beauty can only be happy about such changes.
Photo eastnews preview, rexfeatures
According to the materials dailymail
See also
How has the standard of the female figure over 100 years
100 years of beauty in 1 minute
via www.adme.ru/video/100-let-krasoty-za-1-minutu-817010/
It is always interesting to observe how the changing notions of female beauty. Along with the beautiful half of humanity.
We Site was kinda surprised by the results of a study conducted by one of the British brands of underwear.
Ninety one million seven hundred twenty thousand four hundred fifty eight
So, for 60 years, the average woman addedin weight13 kilograms. It is understandable, because podrasti she 9 inches and became more seductive, curvy shape.
Women's Breasts have increased on average by 2 size. In 50-ies of the last century, ladies were more petite and had waist on 15 inches thinner than now, and foot size as Thumbelina — on 3 sizes less. Woman of 1957 wore Forty(European) clothing size and in 2017 it has changed to Forty four(European).
Thirteen million seventy three thousand one hundred twenty two
The experts who conducted the study believe that the reasons lie in the change of women's quality of life. They began to make more money, lead a healthy lifestyle, exercise and eat better.
For example, if in 1957 a woman consumes an average of 1800 calories a day, in 2017 — about 2300 calories. So modern beauty can only be happy about such changes.
Photo eastnews preview, rexfeatures
According to the materials dailymail
See also
How has the standard of the female figure over 100 years
100 years of beauty in 1 minute
via www.adme.ru/video/100-let-krasoty-za-1-minutu-817010/
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