Burritos – SUPER method of propagation of roses
You were presented with a bouquet of beautiful roses, it would be nice to raise the same at his dacha! Or You bought planting materials of rare varieties of roses, he caught on, but I would like to multiply quickly. What to do?
Because vegetative propagation of many varieties of roses is a not so simple task, especially in regard to rare varieties and hybrids, when the amount of starting material is limited, and the samples themselves are very sensitive to environmental conditions and cultivation technology, due to its instability line.
To solve this problem simply by using so-called method of propagation "burrito", which originated in the United States, has proven its efficiency, quickly gained popularity and spread around the world. He reached up to Russia and CIS countries. However, literature on this method, especially in Russian, very little. Because of this, he is surrounded by a certain aura of mystery. Try to understand.
What is the essence of the method of the burrito
In General, a burrito (burrito, diminutive of Spanish burro is donkey, "donkey") is a Mexican dish consisting of soft flour tortillas in which to wrap various stuffing (meat, fried beans, rice, tomatoes, avocado and cheese). It's a kind of Mexican equivalent of the gyro.
And this word accurately reflects the essence of the method of propagation of roses, when the cuttings wrapped in wet newspaper (a kind of pancake), which provides specific optimum conditions under which they grow, forming the so-called callus and subsequently roots.
Callus or callus (from the Latin callus — corn), plant tissue (growth) that forms on the surface of wounds as a result of division of nearby living cells. It contributes to root formation in vegetative reproduction of plants.
Few weeks here's a "gyros" filled with cuttings of roses gives a viable shoots.
Here's the entire method, the phrase "all genius is simple" is the best suited to this method, although there are a lot of nuances.
Let us examine the application of the method step by step
Cutting cuttings can be carried out in the autumn, but this is especially useful in the spring when usually carried out pruning rose bushes. Length of cuttings is usually up to 20 cm long with 3-4 buds. Very important is the thickness, at least 0.5 cm, then contained in the stalk of nutrients enough for the formation of callus and roots. Sometimes germinate and thin, but it's the exception.
Inspect the cuttings, among them should not be blackened, damaged, rot, or may suffer other.
To speed up the formation of tissues cuttings treated with growth regulators. They are easy to buy or prepare yourself.
Cuttings in 4-7 pieces wrapped in newspaper (2-3 layers) or paper towels and moisten with water, then placed in a dark place at a temperature of 14-18 degrees. This is a very important point.
If packages of cuttings to be stored at a lower temperature, the process of development of the plant strongly inhibited the plant is as though the dormant period, and with the roots quickly dry out and die (and even if they are constantly wet, there is a high chance of molding). That is, a temperature (14-18°) is most favorable for gradual development of plants, when first formed roots and callus. Therefore, usually, apartment for these purposes doesn't quite fit.
3 weeks later the packages out and gently unfold, check the humidity and see whether the formed callus and roots. Optionally, moisten (but not profusely), wrapped and placed back on for storage.
When fully formed callus and roots appear,the cuttings are planted in jars or pots (one by one) into the soil, to the surface of stood, the top Bud. The pot or jar is covered with tape, creating a water bath. The temperature now should be above 23-25 degrees. Often sprayed, gradually opening the film with the growth of the cuttings.
That's the whole technology. It does not cost much and gives very good results, the percentage of survival of cuttings of roses high and enables the reproduction of even the most capricious of varieties of roses. However, not only roses.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/dacha.life?w=wall-83256656_34974
Because vegetative propagation of many varieties of roses is a not so simple task, especially in regard to rare varieties and hybrids, when the amount of starting material is limited, and the samples themselves are very sensitive to environmental conditions and cultivation technology, due to its instability line.

To solve this problem simply by using so-called method of propagation "burrito", which originated in the United States, has proven its efficiency, quickly gained popularity and spread around the world. He reached up to Russia and CIS countries. However, literature on this method, especially in Russian, very little. Because of this, he is surrounded by a certain aura of mystery. Try to understand.
What is the essence of the method of the burrito
In General, a burrito (burrito, diminutive of Spanish burro is donkey, "donkey") is a Mexican dish consisting of soft flour tortillas in which to wrap various stuffing (meat, fried beans, rice, tomatoes, avocado and cheese). It's a kind of Mexican equivalent of the gyro.
And this word accurately reflects the essence of the method of propagation of roses, when the cuttings wrapped in wet newspaper (a kind of pancake), which provides specific optimum conditions under which they grow, forming the so-called callus and subsequently roots.
Callus or callus (from the Latin callus — corn), plant tissue (growth) that forms on the surface of wounds as a result of division of nearby living cells. It contributes to root formation in vegetative reproduction of plants.
Few weeks here's a "gyros" filled with cuttings of roses gives a viable shoots.
Here's the entire method, the phrase "all genius is simple" is the best suited to this method, although there are a lot of nuances.
Let us examine the application of the method step by step
Cutting cuttings can be carried out in the autumn, but this is especially useful in the spring when usually carried out pruning rose bushes. Length of cuttings is usually up to 20 cm long with 3-4 buds. Very important is the thickness, at least 0.5 cm, then contained in the stalk of nutrients enough for the formation of callus and roots. Sometimes germinate and thin, but it's the exception.

Inspect the cuttings, among them should not be blackened, damaged, rot, or may suffer other.

To speed up the formation of tissues cuttings treated with growth regulators. They are easy to buy or prepare yourself.
- Take annual yellow or green shoots of willow, are cut finely and for 10 minutes put in the microwave or pour boiling water and infuse for a few hours.
Cuttings in 4-7 pieces wrapped in newspaper (2-3 layers) or paper towels and moisten with water, then placed in a dark place at a temperature of 14-18 degrees. This is a very important point.

If packages of cuttings to be stored at a lower temperature, the process of development of the plant strongly inhibited the plant is as though the dormant period, and with the roots quickly dry out and die (and even if they are constantly wet, there is a high chance of molding). That is, a temperature (14-18°) is most favorable for gradual development of plants, when first formed roots and callus. Therefore, usually, apartment for these purposes doesn't quite fit.

3 weeks later the packages out and gently unfold, check the humidity and see whether the formed callus and roots. Optionally, moisten (but not profusely), wrapped and placed back on for storage.
When fully formed callus and roots appear,the cuttings are planted in jars or pots (one by one) into the soil, to the surface of stood, the top Bud. The pot or jar is covered with tape, creating a water bath. The temperature now should be above 23-25 degrees. Often sprayed, gradually opening the film with the growth of the cuttings.
That's the whole technology. It does not cost much and gives very good results, the percentage of survival of cuttings of roses high and enables the reproduction of even the most capricious of varieties of roses. However, not only roses.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/dacha.life?w=wall-83256656_34974