The main condition for successful reproduction of plucky roses
To braidy roses include types of garden roses, branching with rather long shoots. They are very popular when decorating the garden.
And to grow flowers on your site, exactly repeating the sample you like, allows the reproduction of roses cuttings.
Cutting is the most common, simple and effective method. It is popular because of the high probability of a successful result and the number of plants obtained. You can root the cuttings in several ways, which we will tell readers today.
We will need a healthy semi-timber shoot with a length of about 15 cm (enough 3-4 internodes).
Ideally, its top is grassy and easily breaks when bending, and the lower part breaks with a crack.
The bottom of the cutting should be cut at an oblique angle of 45 degrees. We do this under the kidney, retreating from it 5 mm.
The top is cut straight, above the kidney by 1 cm. For the burrito method, remove all leaves and spikes. To root in the ground, remove the lower leaves and leave a couple of upper ones, cutting them to half.
The Burrito method is a traditional Mexican dish. It is prepared from wheat cake, in which a filling of chicken, rice, cheese and other ingredients is wrapped.
Similarly, we wrap our cuttings in a kind of flatbread of wet newspapers, and then in a plastic bag. This method is well suited for those varieties of roses that do not reproduce well with cuttings.
The best result will be if a layer of moss is laid along the entire length between the cuttings. Ordinary forest moss saves moisture well and does not allow cuttings to dry out. Root formation should occur in 3-4 weeks, and the best temperature for it will be 14-18 degrees Celsius.
Once a week, we need to unfold our package, moisten the newspaper, inspect cuttings and remove spoiled and rotten.
And a sign that everything is going according to plan and optimal conditions are created will be the formation of the so-called callus (Latin callus – callus). This is a layer of special cells that arises on plants around damage and also contributes to the formation of roots.
When roots appear, the cuttings of the rose should be planted in cans or pots, so that the upper kidney rises above the surface of the soil. The pot is covered with film, creating a water bath. The temperature should now be above 23-25 degrees.
The method is that we put cuttings of roses in the water along with cuttings of other easily rooted plants. Like willows.
This neighborhood helps to take root even those roses that usually do so reluctantly. Usually, the first roots appear after 30 days and the stems can be planted in a permanent place.
Rooting in the ground You can root cuttings immediately in the soil. It is convenient to use a plastic water bottle. Cut it in two. Make holes in the bottom to drain water.
Put a layer of ceramzite on the bottom of the bottle and fill it with a nutritious mixture. Dip the top cut of the cutting in melted candle wax. This will reduce evaporation of moisture and accelerate the formation of roots.
Plant a cutting with two upper leaves, deepening the leaves into the ground. Feed a rose. Cover the top of the bottle with small incisions. Put a mini greenhouse in the shade at a temperature of 20-25 degrees. Rooting will occur from 3 to 5 weeks, depending on the planting material.
That's all the technology. Like all queens, the garden queen is not only beautiful, but also very capricious. But our technology does not require large costs and gives very good results, allowing you to grow an exact copy of your favorite plants.
And to grow flowers on your site, exactly repeating the sample you like, allows the reproduction of roses cuttings.

Cutting is the most common, simple and effective method. It is popular because of the high probability of a successful result and the number of plants obtained. You can root the cuttings in several ways, which we will tell readers today.
We will need a healthy semi-timber shoot with a length of about 15 cm (enough 3-4 internodes).

Ideally, its top is grassy and easily breaks when bending, and the lower part breaks with a crack.

The bottom of the cutting should be cut at an oblique angle of 45 degrees. We do this under the kidney, retreating from it 5 mm.

The top is cut straight, above the kidney by 1 cm. For the burrito method, remove all leaves and spikes. To root in the ground, remove the lower leaves and leave a couple of upper ones, cutting them to half.
The Burrito method is a traditional Mexican dish. It is prepared from wheat cake, in which a filling of chicken, rice, cheese and other ingredients is wrapped.

Similarly, we wrap our cuttings in a kind of flatbread of wet newspapers, and then in a plastic bag. This method is well suited for those varieties of roses that do not reproduce well with cuttings.
The best result will be if a layer of moss is laid along the entire length between the cuttings. Ordinary forest moss saves moisture well and does not allow cuttings to dry out. Root formation should occur in 3-4 weeks, and the best temperature for it will be 14-18 degrees Celsius.

Once a week, we need to unfold our package, moisten the newspaper, inspect cuttings and remove spoiled and rotten.

And a sign that everything is going according to plan and optimal conditions are created will be the formation of the so-called callus (Latin callus – callus). This is a layer of special cells that arises on plants around damage and also contributes to the formation of roots.
When roots appear, the cuttings of the rose should be planted in cans or pots, so that the upper kidney rises above the surface of the soil. The pot is covered with film, creating a water bath. The temperature should now be above 23-25 degrees.
The method is that we put cuttings of roses in the water along with cuttings of other easily rooted plants. Like willows.

This neighborhood helps to take root even those roses that usually do so reluctantly. Usually, the first roots appear after 30 days and the stems can be planted in a permanent place.
Rooting in the ground You can root cuttings immediately in the soil. It is convenient to use a plastic water bottle. Cut it in two. Make holes in the bottom to drain water.

Put a layer of ceramzite on the bottom of the bottle and fill it with a nutritious mixture. Dip the top cut of the cutting in melted candle wax. This will reduce evaporation of moisture and accelerate the formation of roots.

Plant a cutting with two upper leaves, deepening the leaves into the ground. Feed a rose. Cover the top of the bottle with small incisions. Put a mini greenhouse in the shade at a temperature of 20-25 degrees. Rooting will occur from 3 to 5 weeks, depending on the planting material.

That's all the technology. Like all queens, the garden queen is not only beautiful, but also very capricious. But our technology does not require large costs and gives very good results, allowing you to grow an exact copy of your favorite plants.
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