How to properly care for your roses in the fall
September is the beginning of preparing roses for the winter
Autumn work in fruit horticulture is declining. Most attention gardeners-gardeners at this time is focused on preparation of ornamental perennials for the winter. And special attention in September-November, requires beauty rose.
Preparing for winter
In September, the rose bushes need to prepare for the coming winter. All the basic work to care for a rose garden at this time intended to help the shrubs to grow until frost resistant.
Reduce watering of flowers and tillage of the soil, to halt the growth of young shoots and increase the aging wood.
If the autumn is rainy — pitch over bushes frame with cover, leaving the vent in the end.
Cut away withered buds to your rose garden, not "spending power" on the ovary of the fruit.
Also, to speed up aging, take the tops of young shoots.
At the end of September rose Spud dry peat or compost to a height of 5-7 cm
The rose garden in growth
In early September, prepare the planting hole, make organic fertilizer. Fall planting of roses is carried out starting from the first decade of September to mid-October.
Earlier planting undesirable plants begin to expend energy on the growth of young shoots and buds.
If you plant roses later — they will not have time to take root and grow strong until frost.
Before planting it is necessary to eliminate not ripe shoots from seedlings, leaving only the 3-5 strongest.
Pre-winter pruning roses
Autumn pruning of roses is carried out before the first frosts, around the second half of October. With the bushes removed shoots and not ripe Wens. Fledgling shoots chinogerni roses are cut at 1/2, miniature, floribunda, ground cover and polyanthus — 1/3.
From climbing roses, remove the tops not ripe, weak and old shoots. After they are removed from the supports, tie synthetic twine and placed on a layer of spruce twigs.
Harvesting of cuttings
During the autumn pruning of roses are harvested lignified cuttings.
Select well-developed and ripe smooth annual stems with a thickness of 4-5 mm Slice cuttings 20 cm long with three or four buds each. The cut on the lower end of the cutting is done under the kidney, and in the upper part of the shaft obliquely in the middle of the internodes.
After harvesting the required number of cuttings, tie them in bundles, wrap in burlap and store in moist sand at a temperature of +1"C.
Also interesting: a Super tool to protect roses against rust, powdery mildew and gummy
How to grow climbing roses
Prepare shelter
Light frosts contribute to hardening of the shoots, but the occurrence of sustained cold snap bushes Spud dry earth and sand in the ratio 1:1 layer 15-25 cm
When the temperature falls to -5°C — it's time to insulate the roses.
Most reliable is vozdushnogo the shelter of the bushes. Install okuchit over bushes frame, tighten it in nonwovens, and cover with polyethylene, leaving an outlet in the end. Remember that the cover must be done only in dry weather.published
Source: vk.com/home_garden?w=wall-44431169_420196
Autumn work in fruit horticulture is declining. Most attention gardeners-gardeners at this time is focused on preparation of ornamental perennials for the winter. And special attention in September-November, requires beauty rose.

Preparing for winter

In September, the rose bushes need to prepare for the coming winter. All the basic work to care for a rose garden at this time intended to help the shrubs to grow until frost resistant.
Reduce watering of flowers and tillage of the soil, to halt the growth of young shoots and increase the aging wood.
If the autumn is rainy — pitch over bushes frame with cover, leaving the vent in the end.
Cut away withered buds to your rose garden, not "spending power" on the ovary of the fruit.
Also, to speed up aging, take the tops of young shoots.
At the end of September rose Spud dry peat or compost to a height of 5-7 cm
The rose garden in growth
In early September, prepare the planting hole, make organic fertilizer. Fall planting of roses is carried out starting from the first decade of September to mid-October.
Earlier planting undesirable plants begin to expend energy on the growth of young shoots and buds.
If you plant roses later — they will not have time to take root and grow strong until frost.
Before planting it is necessary to eliminate not ripe shoots from seedlings, leaving only the 3-5 strongest.
Pre-winter pruning roses

Autumn pruning of roses is carried out before the first frosts, around the second half of October. With the bushes removed shoots and not ripe Wens. Fledgling shoots chinogerni roses are cut at 1/2, miniature, floribunda, ground cover and polyanthus — 1/3.
From climbing roses, remove the tops not ripe, weak and old shoots. After they are removed from the supports, tie synthetic twine and placed on a layer of spruce twigs.
Harvesting of cuttings
During the autumn pruning of roses are harvested lignified cuttings.
Select well-developed and ripe smooth annual stems with a thickness of 4-5 mm Slice cuttings 20 cm long with three or four buds each. The cut on the lower end of the cutting is done under the kidney, and in the upper part of the shaft obliquely in the middle of the internodes.
After harvesting the required number of cuttings, tie them in bundles, wrap in burlap and store in moist sand at a temperature of +1"C.
Also interesting: a Super tool to protect roses against rust, powdery mildew and gummy
How to grow climbing roses
Prepare shelter
Light frosts contribute to hardening of the shoots, but the occurrence of sustained cold snap bushes Spud dry earth and sand in the ratio 1:1 layer 15-25 cm
When the temperature falls to -5°C — it's time to insulate the roses.
Most reliable is vozdushnogo the shelter of the bushes. Install okuchit over bushes frame, tighten it in nonwovens, and cover with polyethylene, leaving an outlet in the end. Remember that the cover must be done only in dry weather.published
Source: vk.com/home_garden?w=wall-44431169_420196