How different actors of the movie "Twilight" for 9 years
Eighty three million eight hundred seventy three thousand one hundred fifteen
It seems that recently all the girls in the world froze in anticipation of the "twilight" of the story, and in the meantime it has been almost 10 years.
The website decided to conduct a little investigation and find out how different actors of the acclaimed Saga over the years.
Kristen Stewart — Bella Swan
Robert Pattinson — Edward Cullen
Taylor Lautner — Jacob Black
Anna Kendrick — Jessica Stanley
Billy Burke — Charlie Swan
Ashley Greene — Alice Cullen
Nikki Reed — Rosalie Hale
Peter Facinelli — Carlisle Cullen
Kellan Lutz — Emmett Cullen
Jackson Rathbone — Jasper Hale
Elizabeth Reaser — Esme Cullen
Photos on the preview Summit Entertainment, PictureGroup/Sipa USA/East News
See also
The characters of the series "Charmed" 18 years later
Looked like the actors of the series in the first and last season
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-kino/12-akterov-serialov-kotorye-kruto-izmenilis-k-poslednemu-sezonu-1281365/
It seems that recently all the girls in the world froze in anticipation of the "twilight" of the story, and in the meantime it has been almost 10 years.
The website decided to conduct a little investigation and find out how different actors of the acclaimed Saga over the years.
Kristen Stewart — Bella Swan

Robert Pattinson — Edward Cullen

Taylor Lautner — Jacob Black

Anna Kendrick — Jessica Stanley

Billy Burke — Charlie Swan

Ashley Greene — Alice Cullen

Nikki Reed — Rosalie Hale

Peter Facinelli — Carlisle Cullen

Kellan Lutz — Emmett Cullen

Jackson Rathbone — Jasper Hale

Elizabeth Reaser — Esme Cullen

Photos on the preview Summit Entertainment, PictureGroup/Sipa USA/East News
See also
The characters of the series "Charmed" 18 years later
Looked like the actors of the series in the first and last season
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-kino/12-akterov-serialov-kotorye-kruto-izmenilis-k-poslednemu-sezonu-1281365/
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