This logical task will manage only the most intelligent
Ninety three million six hundred thirty eight thousand three hundred eighty three
Puzzles — a great workout for the brain and one of the best ways to learn to look at the wider world.
We offer you along with Site to find a solution to this interesting problem. Look closely at the picture and try to understand what it means triangles, arrows and a square.
Ninety one million nine hundred two thousand two hundred twenty three
Answer. Arrows are signs of comparison. The triangle equal to, and square — "+". Receives:
O < OO
OO > O
O + O = OO
Source hadani14
See also
Try to solve these 10 problems, and find out how well developed your logic
Most can not cope with these 5 simple tasks. And you can?
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-narodnoe-tvorchestvo/bolshinstvo-ne-spravlyaetsya-s-etimi-5-prostymi-zadachkami-a-vy-smozhete-1395065/
Puzzles — a great workout for the brain and one of the best ways to learn to look at the wider world.
We offer you along with Site to find a solution to this interesting problem. Look closely at the picture and try to understand what it means triangles, arrows and a square.
Ninety one million nine hundred two thousand two hundred twenty three
Answer. Arrows are signs of comparison. The triangle equal to, and square — "+". Receives:
O < OO
OO > O
O + O = OO
Source hadani14
See also
Try to solve these 10 problems, and find out how well developed your logic
Most can not cope with these 5 simple tasks. And you can?
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-narodnoe-tvorchestvo/bolshinstvo-ne-spravlyaetsya-s-etimi-5-prostymi-zadachkami-a-vy-smozhete-1395065/
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