Repair in a Studio apartment: how to do everything by the rules?
Fifty million nine hundred fifty eight thousand five hundred ninety
Most people faced with a major overhaul of one-room apartment and received invaluable experience which is required to use next time. Note that often the first experience associated with the repair, is a negative character. To pay for the work and materials spent a lot of money, and as a result are leaking sewage, wavy wall surfaces, improperly installed doors...
For each type of work – individual specialist
To avoid these drawbacks should be carefully examined by the contractor. Especially if you want a overhaul of apartments with replacement of communications, installation of partitions and other works. Property owner you need to understand that the list of works is huge. Therefore, to perform the repair of an apartment is required to attract specialists in various areas. If you want to save and pay only one expert, the risk is run of poor maintenance is very high. The "handyman" do exist, but often these professionals know how to do everything, but only superficially.
Region of residence does not matter. The General trends of standard repair for small towns and cities. Therefore, it is recommended not to risk and to turn to professionals with the obligatory conclusion of the contract.
Repair Studio apartment "turn-key" begins with the development of the design project. A modern company ready to provide a budget option or a great interior specially for wealthy clients.
Demolition work
Demolition works included in the complex repair of apartments and allow the owner to assess the characteristics of the skills of the specialists. In fact, the dismantling of a complex and troublesome work, which includes removing the defective screed, old coatings, walls. If work is performed quickly and accurately, it is evidence in favor of the repairmen.
The next stages of repair of an apartment include screed, laying of all types of communications, installation of partitions. It is important to pay attention to the creation of high-quality heat and noise insulation layer. Also should be as hidden all communication systems.
Painting and fine finishing not only depend on the professionalism of the contractor, and quality materials. Therefore, the sine qua non of quality of fixation is a careful study of the characteristics of the materials. But if we are talking about a professional and reliable company, experts will always tell you what building materials to give an advantage.
Most people faced with a major overhaul of one-room apartment and received invaluable experience which is required to use next time. Note that often the first experience associated with the repair, is a negative character. To pay for the work and materials spent a lot of money, and as a result are leaking sewage, wavy wall surfaces, improperly installed doors...
For each type of work – individual specialist
To avoid these drawbacks should be carefully examined by the contractor. Especially if you want a overhaul of apartments with replacement of communications, installation of partitions and other works. Property owner you need to understand that the list of works is huge. Therefore, to perform the repair of an apartment is required to attract specialists in various areas. If you want to save and pay only one expert, the risk is run of poor maintenance is very high. The "handyman" do exist, but often these professionals know how to do everything, but only superficially.
Region of residence does not matter. The General trends of standard repair for small towns and cities. Therefore, it is recommended not to risk and to turn to professionals with the obligatory conclusion of the contract.
Repair Studio apartment "turn-key" begins with the development of the design project. A modern company ready to provide a budget option or a great interior specially for wealthy clients.
Demolition work
Demolition works included in the complex repair of apartments and allow the owner to assess the characteristics of the skills of the specialists. In fact, the dismantling of a complex and troublesome work, which includes removing the defective screed, old coatings, walls. If work is performed quickly and accurately, it is evidence in favor of the repairmen.
The next stages of repair of an apartment include screed, laying of all types of communications, installation of partitions. It is important to pay attention to the creation of high-quality heat and noise insulation layer. Also should be as hidden all communication systems.
Painting and fine finishing not only depend on the professionalism of the contractor, and quality materials. Therefore, the sine qua non of quality of fixation is a careful study of the characteristics of the materials. But if we are talking about a professional and reliable company, experts will always tell you what building materials to give an advantage.

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