As an electrician my wife made fun of
Many people tend to believe everything they say, especially if it comes from the mouth of professionals. And sometimes this innocence can turn into big problems... the Website tells the hilarious story of a trusting wife that the electrician was led to believe in this fiction!
Once in my apartment haywire socket, and I had to fix it. Went, turned off the shield, began to repair. Then looked into the room his wife, son and I for some reason decided to pin and started screaming like I was electrocuted. Wife shocked son in shock... after a few seconds I pretended that everything was okay and told his son:
— Now therefore, my son, you stick your fingers in the socket, the current will hit.
— As you now, dad?
Yeah. Remember and sockets don't.
Then my wife pulled me aside and said:
— Vit, you're joking, right?
Yeah, just joking, sorry...
— Well, funny. The more you're vaccinated, your shock does not have to beat.
My eyes became the size of a saucer.
— In terms of?
Well, I recently at work, the electrician said that all of them are immunized to the current beat.
— And you believed him?!
— Yes... — with doubt in his voice said his wife. — I've got the bare wires touched, and his shock didn't really hit!
I had to explain to my wife about the fact that the panel is possible to turn off the electricity...
via factroom.ru

Once in my apartment haywire socket, and I had to fix it. Went, turned off the shield, began to repair. Then looked into the room his wife, son and I for some reason decided to pin and started screaming like I was electrocuted. Wife shocked son in shock... after a few seconds I pretended that everything was okay and told his son:
— Now therefore, my son, you stick your fingers in the socket, the current will hit.
— As you now, dad?
Yeah. Remember and sockets don't.
Then my wife pulled me aside and said:
— Vit, you're joking, right?
Yeah, just joking, sorry...
— Well, funny. The more you're vaccinated, your shock does not have to beat.
My eyes became the size of a saucer.
— In terms of?
Well, I recently at work, the electrician said that all of them are immunized to the current beat.
— And you believed him?!
— Yes... — with doubt in his voice said his wife. — I've got the bare wires touched, and his shock didn't really hit!
I had to explain to my wife about the fact that the panel is possible to turn off the electricity...
via factroom.ru
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