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Baby necessities: an encyclopedia of people's stupidity

Your child has special needs? That is, he wants something more than "eat, drink, sleep, go to the toilet"? Congratulations! He is normal! This article is written "backwards", "upside down".

If you are aiming to reduce the promptings of the heir to the "rate of survival" — take seriously the following. If you wish to understand the nature of the needs of the young person and to learn to live together to develop the best qualities of a child do exactly the opposite.

Against the "advice" of the author


Think and choose to raise a future where you want to live.

1. Body needs (neglected?)The baby should always:

1) lie on your back,

2) suck on a pacifier

3) to consume baby food,

4) it is necessary to wean a maximum of a year

Myth # 1-The Song Of A Caring Family Man

1) At the beginning of life, child training, raising himself.Overcomes the force of gravity: holds his head, rolls over, sits up. Try to play with gravity, lying on his back.How does it feel to feel helpless, like a beetle tipped on the back? Now continue to put (or putting) in such a situation of their own children. I wonder what character he will grow up?

2) You repeat the same action, and quickly get tired, lose interest, fall asleep. "Dummy" operates on the same principle. In a period when the sucking – tool to get the most valuable impressions about the world, and screaming and crying – the first attempt to Express an opinion, to declare rights and to Express feelings, you should "silence" the heir of the rubber gag.

Try to enjoy a single frame of the whole movie or be inspired by one second ringtones. Then look at the baby with a "pacifier" in the mouth, the tired monotonous sucking. High intellect of the heir? Silicone copy of the fountain of life is "rich" imagination, memory and thinking of the heir.

3) Listen to the opinions of "experts" and save time on communicating with your baby? The modern industry of children's food – at your service. No plans Breakfast with child? Difficult to tolerate, while it will smear themselves, the table, and you cereal? There is no desire or habit to chew for the baby vegetable salad? Take a blender and shattered into pieces vegetable fiber, or buy a jar are allowed to use preservatives. Let the heir make sure that the world is a pretty high target opportunities, and self-catering is not for him.

4) do You more career and the needs of others "foreign adult" than the needs and feelings of their own child? Stop feeding him with their milk. You want the Breasts with age, out of shape? Hide it, don't let glands to function, to work the internal muscles, take from the child, drag cloth. Do not let yourself to enjoy the happiness of lactation, the closeness of his breath, intoxication contact...

Leia doesn't know why you need the nipple at the sight of the "ugliness" in the mouth of the baby in the Park, trying to free people from the "socksificate". In four years she has beautiful and healthy teeth, which bite useful carrot. The girl was a "baby food".The first experience of lunch (outside of breast, which she "enjoyed" up to three years) independently extracted from the General table chicken leg (in six-month age).

2. Safety (avoidance function difficulties?)

The child is necessary to protect from hazards (bare feet, cats, bruises). To protect from the wind and waves, physical activity and the risk of fall from height

Myth №2, Reference parent mutual aid

To live dangerously. Outside the apartment is inhabited by terrible germs, stick stray cats, found trash and even leftovers.

The main task of the utility of a parent is to protect the heir from contact with the environment, while his immune system is in the process of self-study and testing "what am I going to accept and what to reject". When the protective program formed solely for the option "home neat", can be indignant: "he caught a cold in a wet t-shirt, poisoned cherries, picked worms from the neighbor's Dachshund, overheated on the ground, drowned in the sea."

If you are sick of the swing-roundabouts, you don't climb the trees in the Park, afraid to dive — own child also should be protected from such excesses.Moreover, competition with peers, climbing on the stone walls and iron fences, stirring the hot coals, collectibles scratches from thorny plants, discover the cellars and on the roof, trying to sail into the open sea.

photo Monika Koclajda

From birth, Misha enjoys trains (his parents during his childhood "in the wild"). In his five years has gained a brave nature, flexibility of mind, strength of leader, and is the unquestioned authority even 10-year-olds. Few of them are "negotiating" with the dogs, "flies" on the rollers "spinning exercises" on the bar, jumping off the mound. In addition, Mike can get stuck in the branches of the helicopter, run in the rain through puddles, "scout" the secret road to protect the girl from ridicule.

3. Attachment (fight?)

The child should sleep in a small crib, ride in his wheelchair to communicate with other and walking around the house. However, to allow the baby only family members and "show people" better after three years Myth # 3, a Book about social justice

From the very beginning the child is important not to give a full sense of unity with the mother and loved ones. To make it possessive, separated-deprived, but proud in her selfish "owning" a very important attributes of social status: the "fancy" crib, "cool" stroller, "Packed" arena. In the future, the main values would be: an apartment, a car, a set of personal devices. That is, "Packed the box", limiting contact with the environment.

Sling or ergo backpack, which solves almost all problems with emotional contact, trips and travelling, feeding and sleep in all conditions, gives you the opportunity not to limit yourself in work and entertainment,it is advisable to declare as "ridiculous". Why would a child get used to the company of adults, feel natural in the big world, to rich and diverse information, positive type "how lovely!" and dialogue on an equal footing?

But, in consequence, onn easy transformerait lost love in anxiety towards other people and will be right to be wary of everyone who "is not included in the narrow circle of trusted individuals". Two or three semi-friends is enough for normal health.

Maya with pleasure dives into the sea, and rides begowala. Over my year and a half she traveled the country: swimming, learning to crawl, sitting by the fire, riding on the rollers (with handle) and a bike (in a sling), living in a tent and respectable hotel, participated in conferences and trainings. Descended on skis through the snow on Hermon, was a track through the desert. Maya is surrounded by dozens of people who are happy with her progress. The girl did not get off with a kind and warm hands. This means that three years will become very independent and will surround himself with a large number of sincere and faithful friends of all ages.

4. Independence (not allow?)

Baby it is necessary to continuously talk about the benefits of proper behavior and to point out mistakes; to remind you about the harsh life experience; while it is small, to teach letters, numbers, languages

Myth # 4, the encyclopedia of folk foolishness

It is important to quickly "load" the child's violent activities are not peculiar to its needs, resources and priorities. In adult life he knew: it is necessary to learn for the job, career, brings a salary, the money can purchase pleasure. Your respectable diploma is more important than a quality education – so the heir does not need to develop their methods of assimilation of information and to understand personal methods of effective thinking (memorization, imagination, speech).

The main parental concern is "feeding" the brain of true knowledge. So time for a personal understanding of the laws of nature were reduced to a daily overload of ideas about the world. The game is reduced to a repetitive manipulation of the signs and words.

The wisdom of the child should not be trusted. Sensory experience can be replaced by "life by the example of parents." The child has reliably learned that he is helpless before the power, dependent on managers cannot dispose of their mind – otherwise severely hurt.

When the kid in response to "where have mom's eyes" will be pulled to touch with a finger, don't touch itself: knowledge of the meaning of words is more important than tactile contact!

Itamar – gifted child. Age the IQ tests are "through the roof". He brilliantly communicates, it is comparable to the rhetoric, polemics and didactics. Parents never taught him intentionally. Mom admits: "I'm sure I have no right to impose on that person the rules of the game, and allow you to be there with those and as much as he wants. Was constantly tempted to "move" in teaching education.It is difficult to make, but for this independent guy is the future!

5. Creativity (debase their?)The kid can only destroy: crush the paper to smear paint, to mix the clay, break toys, tear clothes

Myth # 5, collection of the orders of the Ministry of security

The child is stupid and incompetent, deconstructive and chaotic. His actions are impossible to see-to reflect the stirrings of creativity. Brilliant destructive capacity in any case can not be used creatively: as origami, as an element of body painting, or in the mainstream of avant-garde wall art.

Makes no sense to imagine that formless pieces of clay (clay, dough, paper, fabric) will ever become the idea of a new car or apartment, fragments of toys in the part of the space unit, tears on the dress – the "features" of the new style of fashion.

Rina (6 years) won the national competition of children's drawing in four categories. Your creative path she began with collages of postcards and magazine pages that you could tear in pieces,

phyto and ikebana from grass, twigs and leaves – they were allowed to bring home;

body painting by jam, kotori can be smeared on the body;

rock ethnic symbolism, for this she was awarded two walls in the apartment, drawings on the sand and the pavement, which could see and appreciate other people.

6. Activities (replace?)Main activity child game

Myth # 6, Psychological truth

Therefore, it is necessary only to play — even when the child resists and tries to be extremely responsible for their future. He's small! Will have time to "work", let's not tense any younger!

Who said that the child trains the ability to organize their lives and others? The baby develops communicative talent, develops skill to be a leader, to manage the personal reality of miracles? No, of course. He's just spoiled. Do the trainings of personal growth, effective communication, system management is only valid for big people for big money.Not to say that the child is exploring the world – because science is taught in special institutions, professionally trained personnel. Again, not free, and not for everyone.

photo Monika Koclajda

It is terrible to utter that young people copy successful behavior: all around – very often negative role models. It is therefore important to prevent them to cook and renovate, build and sew.Parental love is expressed in the abundance of children's toys and fakes like "kitchen", "tool set", "designer".

Gregory (5 years) of successfully leading two units in School of leadership communications. Not just because his dad is a coach. The boy is an experienced leader and undisputed leader. Coaching experience Grisha five years. The first lesson of gravity the development of the child he had held for a group of young parents in a month, and then regularly devote their time to training and development of others: yoga lessons "Liberated movement" was the subject of his patient practices during the first year of life. Watching the little leader, it is difficult to utter: "play!". I want to say: masters, being an example for others, and transmits the accumulated experience.

7. Development (none of our business?)

It is useless to develop baby's early life, because it is out of control and weak. At an early age should be given to the child in a special institution for training in the General group under the care of professionals

Myth No. 7, the bill of Rights of the child

The secrets of early development are mostly useless and fooling incompetent parents. Moms and dads know how to protect the child from harmonious development. Smart parents understand why bad dynamic gymnastics; how kinky is the effect on the baby stay in a natural environment; how unproductive family music lessons, playing instruments, singing in a year or two; how ridiculous and ineffective home dance and rhythm in two or three years. About art of up to five years and say nothing. The Japanese are just backward people with a mediaeval intellect, their experience of early development – not in the bill. The Americans with their early educational programs live in America, it's too far and alien to us.

At daycare (and then school, College...) my child will learn everything he'll need for happy survival. At least in order to become a full-fledged an average member of the society of fans of the television commercials.

She is engaged in developing home group. Here parents learn methods early creativity, consulting with professionals, share experiences, listen to webinars. They understand the advantages of such occupations in comparison with a single kindergarten option. And for those who communicate with Katya, too, see the difference. To two years the girl had mastered dancing, gymnastics, playing the flute.

She sings, draws, paints and crayons, clay and salt dough. And, perhaps most importantly, in their four and a half Kate seems to know what he wants and finds easy ways to achieve the goal. For example, if the mother is on the street for a long time talking on the phone, the girl can immediately figure out what she needed, a passerby, who, in her opinion, the "intelligent eyes".


Author: Ezra Sebulsky

P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©

Source: detki.co.il/upbringing/mifyi_i_realnost_o_detskix_potrebnostyax.html