Why cats love to sleep close to their owners?

Everyone who has a cat knows that the night (or at 5am) it will definitely make their way to you in bed, settled and near sleep, meditative purring right under the ear. And, of course, from this we sleep even sweeter. But still, why they love to sleep close to their owners?
Today the Website with all the love of this pet will attempt to answer this question.

You should know that every cat first chooses the place where she will feel in utmost safety. Animal instincts force them to stay in those places where there is protection from possible enemies. And one such place is the bed big and strong owner, with whom comfortably and safely.
In nature, kittens are always huddling together, turning into one big, soft lump. So rest in the arms of brothers and sisters, do not allow to freeze, while their mother was away hunting.Growing up, they already do not behave, becoming more independent. Cats are usually loners.
However, domestic cats are nothing like this childish behaviour they retain for life. Only as a relative of a person — the owner.With such close physical contact to the animal quieter, more comfortable and much warmer. What here to hide, we this proximity brings no less pleasure.

Source vetstreet
Photos on the preview depositphotos.com
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