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A natural super tool for getting rid of wrinkles!

It is necessary to type in the search engine the words "amber acid", and a heap of information about its irreplaceability falls on you. And the health of this wonderful drug strengthens, and the most serious diseases resist, and copes with a hangover. Excess kilograms with the help of “amber” means burn faster and even flowers on the windowsill grow thicker. In short, a fairy tale! But the most widespread this mysterious substance has received in cosmetology. Moreover, it can be successfully used at home.

Useful properties of succinic acid:
  • With regular intake, succinic acid strengthens immunity and thereby increases the body's resistance to diseases;
  • It resists diabetes, helping the pancreas regulate insulin production;
  • It resists the appearance of oncological neoplasms;
  • Facilitates the condition of patients with thyroid diseases;
  • extinguishes inflammatory processes;
  • Promotes detoxification of the body.
Succinic acid enhances the effectiveness of treatment with other drugs, but you can not prescribe it yourself. Let this be done by a doctor who knows for sure whether the medicines prescribed for you are compatible with the “solar” miracle remedy. And even if you drink acid for prevention, strictly follow the instructions on the package. The most harmless remedy needs the right dosage.

Application in cosmetology:Succinic acid, which, by the way, is actually obtained from this solar stone, is a scattering of small white crystals. Most often, for ease of reception, they are pressed into tablets. And use the drug for cosmetic purposes is easier than easy: pour it into powder or, if you wish, dissolve it in clean water - get a clear liquid with an acidic taste and smell.

For beauticians succinic acid is almost on the same step with the famous coenzyme Q10.He is also famous for his ability to affect the immune system and activate the cells of the human body, and in addition, is a powerful antioxidant. But the price of coenzyme is several times higher, and it works a little better. Take a look! In the composition of purchased cosmetics and home masks succinic acid:

  • Stimulates metabolic processes in cells, due to which the skin is rapidly getting rid of ubiquitous toxins and toxins, regeneration begins to proceed faster, the epidermis is renewed, and wrinkles and small scars become less noticeable. That is, acid, as befits a real antioxidant, effectively inhibits the aging process.
  • It cleanses the sebaceous glands and relieves inflammation in already clogged, eliminating acne placers.
  • At the same time removes excess sebum on oily skin and relieves the feeling of tightness on dry.
  • It has a bleaching effect: it copes well even with pigment spots, not to mention freckles.
  • It nourishes the skin with useful substances, increasing its elasticity and elasticity.
  • Removes edema.
  • Returns a healthy complexion, activating blood circulation in small capillaries.
  • It is well tolerated even by the delicate skin of the eyelids, so it can be used to remove bags under the eyes.
In short, there are a good dozen reasons to test the effectiveness of the drug on yourself. If you like to experiment and are still looking for “your” cosmetic, succinic acid may well be.

Homemade beauty recipes:peeling

Any cosmetic procedure for the face begins with cleansing.

  • Rinse your face with warm water and wipe with your usual milk or use a foam for washing.
  • Push 2-3 tablets into powder, pour a tablespoon of warm boiled water so that there are no dry crystals left.
  • Apply the soaked mass on the skin and massage the face with your fingertips for a few minutes. Softly and without bigotry! Pay special attention to the nose and cheeks - this is usually where the most problematic pores are concentrated. If you want to turn the “amber” scrub into a universal skin mask, try to leave the powder on your face for another 10-15 minutes after the massage, and then carefully remove cotton discs moistened in warm water.

Food mask:Saturate the skin with useful substances, add to it elasticity and moisturize the following composition will help:

  • Take 2 powdered acid tablets.
  • Connect with 2 tbsp olive oil. Stir it up properly.
  • Lubricate the face with the mixture, wait half an hour and carefully remove with a paper napkin and water.
Rejuvenation mask:Succinic acid is great, and acid and mummy are twice as good!

  • Grind two tablets of succinic acid and 2 tablets of mumiyo.
  • Add a tablespoon of fatty oil: almond, jojoba, avocado.
  • Apply the mask to the cleaned skin of the face for 25-30 minutes, and then gently rinse. The mask will not only make the skin younger and more elastic, but with regular use will get rid of small scars and scars, and large will make less noticeable.
Whitening mask:
  • Grind 2 tablets of succinic acid.
  • Mix with 1 tbsp of white cosmetic clay (sold in pharmacies).
  • Add boiled water or warm milk to turn the powder into a thick gruel, and apply it to the skin.
  • The mask helps from pigment spots, improves complexion and copes with greasy shine. If you do not suffer from hypersensitivity of the skin, try to enhance the effect of the mask, flavoring it with 5 drops of essential oil of lemon, rosemary, limetta, chamomile or parsley.
  • Dissolve two crushed tablets in 3.5 tbsp. l. distilled water.
  • Add 5 drops of rose, rosemary or bergamot essential oil.
Okay. Store the mixture in the fridge for no more than a week and regularly wipe your face, first shaking the bottle. However, if you add 1 tsp of benzyl alcohol to the water, the tonic can be stored much longer - the alcohol will serve as an excellent preservative.


Precautions and contraindications:
  • Colossal plus succinic acid - it is suitable for everyone almost without exception. Young girls “gift of amber” will cleanse the skin from age-related pimples and give a wonderful blush, older women will help to cope with wrinkles and maintain a flowering appearance for a long time. However, sad as it is, there is such a thing as individual intolerance. Therefore, before first using, check the succinic acid mask on a small area of skin. It will take only 10-15 minutes, and you will protect yourself from an allergic reaction.
  • Do not make masks twice a day, as advised by especially zealous fans of succinic acid. For oily skin, the norm is one mask every three days, for dry - once a week.
  • Centuries require not as concentrated a remedy as for the face. Take half as much powder as usual.
There is no cosmetic drug that everyone would like. But since nature itself has taken care to create a means that contains the real energy of the sun, like the pebble from which it is obtained, it is a shame not to use it. If you want to test the effectiveness of succinic acid, do it!

P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!

Source: medvoice.ru/maski-s-yantarnoy-kislotoy-volshebnoe-sredstvo/