Aging women
Around me some of the aging women.
And that's not my observation, it is they I talk about it constantly Girl 28 years: "I grow old". The other 35, "I am old, let alone me...". One second child the 32, "Well, all, I am now an old woman with two children", and the other no children to the upcoming thirtieth anniversary: "I'm too old to give birth". And those who are closer to forty and beyond, and does little if not apologize for your age. They say, arguments are no longer young.
I'm old!
This is direct speech and verbatim quotes. It all starts closer to thirty, a girl looks in a mirror, says to himself: "Here and gone youth. Now only old age and decay". And this thought causes panic. Growing old is bad. Growing old is hard. Growing old is a terrible sentence. All this develops into a complex before their age.
But what's wrong with age? What's wrong with aging?
©Cate Blanchett on Marie Claire Spain
Aging woman is beautiful.
And all that you decide in your head – it is just a terrible legacy of stupidity and wild complexes, which have nothing to do with the present situation.
To begin with, so please, let's get rid of this Convention, about "women's age", which must not be spoken aloud. Why not??? What is wrong is that this woman is 43 and 32? And someone does 54. Why a woman should always strive to hide your age?
And how it, basically, works? You don't say your age means you're still 25. So, Yes? Kind of universal conspiracy. Don't say anything about the age of the women and they will all always young.
In my opinion, girl, it's your biggest problem: you love this sweet self-deception, and so seek to hide the aging that present themselves on a pedestal of gold stereotype about youth, as the highest point in a woman's life. What is young beautiful and active is the most important and cool, and then with age is not the same and it would be better to hide it.
Hate it when that woman in the head. Honestly. I straighten out of those who say: "Well, apparently I am at least 30, and in the soul and at 22". Stop, my dear. You're 37 and that's fine. You don't look thirty, you look at yourself 37! Your face, your figure, your choice of dress for this evening, your Hobbies, career, divorce, children – that's your story ... you went and earned. Be proud of her, whatever it was, and not hide it behind labels and stereotypes. Are you a short dress, not because you want to seem younger, but because you have beautiful legs and you want to emphasize. And 37, and 47. It does not matter. Your Hobbies should not share on for young and for old. They must have only one parameter – "I want it and it inspires me". That's what matters. To feel freedom and inspiration. To be a woman at any age, and not to limit themselves.
You say, "Easier said than done!" Because so many things interfere! Okay, let's see: what hinders?
The first item is always "beauty".
And it's a big mystery to me. What a young woman so beautiful adult? No wrinkles, firmer butt, better skin, slimmer figure, so what? That is, it is your parameters of beauty? Such a naked Barbie doll's body which has not yet walked age-related changes. Just the outer shell. Breasts, butt, lips, thighs. A little older, a little Zamoranos and all the beauty there.
In my opinion, it is not so. Beauty is much more. The style is character, it's your passion and your story. And in this understanding of beauty and attractiveness: age is an advantage. After all, a grown woman knows more and understands more. In yourself and the world around them. She visited more places and discovered much of what can now pass on to others. Her style in clothes, in makeup, in manners is that she has honed over the years. She is a normal modern woman who is constantly evolving. She's 37, so she's been on a decent path. It became more interesting and more beautiful.But most importantly, she has become so self-sufficient that no one ever dared to rate her as a doll.
Women age – beautiful and sexy. They are interesting and attractive. There's no doubt about it. The only problem is that we are rarely able to speak openly. Seriously, in Russia compliments adult females all too often saturated with vulgarity and the trivial, as if we were again and again happy anniversary our school teacher. Roughly speaking, these compliments never personalized. Always only the generalized formulation. Not a specific woman, just a Woman. We can't say directly that you Katerina very beautiful eyes and sexy waist. Need something to do with eyes like pearls and the waist, as have some DOE.
Is there some kind of freeze factor with regards to attention to adult women. Because they:
a) can be someone else's wives,
b) already mother
C) have a certain social status
and so on.
The woman, ceasing to be a young girl, falls out of the field of personal compliments. Only these common phrases, so as not to offend and not to cross the line.
It's terribly old-fashioned stereotype. Smacks of Patriarchal despotism. To 20 years – a marriageable girl and here's her best quality that you can appreciate out loud. And then she shyly looks from behind the shoulder of her husband and not his nose.
We've never compliment other women. Yes, okay? In the twenty-first century women are strangers? They're property, right? Female slaves?
I hope you understand what I mean? Modern secular model of marriage and any of the partnership completely devoid of all stereotypes "head of household", "gender roles", etc. Is a Union of two equal and independent people. A woman after marriage does not belong to man. It is self-sufficient person who just chooses you as a partner. While it suits her. There should not be restrictions. Instead, they should be the point of contact. Their constant search. The modern Union is hard work. And to the woman was comfortable in it – she needs to feel the attention of other people.
Not pretentious poem postcard, and personal. A personal compliment. It is not binding, does not play on the territory of flirting – it's just attention to women. Not because I have to, but because they are beautiful and interesting. Each in their own way.
When you take a SIP of delicious wine or drink a good coffee you say: "This is a very tasty and delicately prepared". Same with a woman. There is nothing wrong to say his feelings out loud. Even with her partner. It transforms women and helps them to feel beautiful throughout their life, not just when they are young.
What's next? Sex? Same thing with beauty. What had all these years to do, with age does not learn to even better satisfy yourself and your partner? A young girl does not know she wants that the man caressed her Clit or not. Adult confidently takes his hand and gets pleasure. With age, the sex needs to become more diverse and of higher quality.
What else? The factor of "I'm an adult now". I mean, I would like to go to the concert Jared Leto and squeal in the front row, but I'm now a grown woman. I have my own business and children. I can't deal with such things. So it is not accepted.
Who? A generation of women who have had no Garidov Summer? That's the whole point. All age stereotypes – stereotypes of past eras. Woman, aged had to sit at home and humbly take up knitting just because she's more not than it was to do. Remember that! You tell yourself "no" and afraid to go beyond the "conventional wisdom" is guided by the rules of that world, which is no more.
The modern world loves adult women. It does not restrict their lives, but rather opens for them the doors. Aging is not a problem. It's just changes that happen to all people. Yes, you need to accept this challenge and many try to feel comfortable at any age. It was a test, because you need to stay healthy, grow, build a career and to adjust domestic part of life.
It is, in fact, an innovation. Modern man is the first person that lives so long and continues to be active throughout his life. Half a century ago, people could not boast of the ability to live up to 70 years. They did not travel anywhere in the world at any age and their needs was not built a whole industry of consumption. Now, it's almost everyone. Any woman can be who she wants regardless of how old she is.
Old age is a diagnosis that can deliver only the doctors. "Sorry, but you're 84 years old and most likely you do not get to scuba dive. You better sit at home and watch "let's get married".
You've never heard that before? Then everything is in your hands. Take the torch and run with it where you want.
And please promise me that you'll never say that you are aging and that you are comfortable with the numbers in the column "age". Raise your bowed head and take a deep breath, no matter she had lost form with age or not. Open wide your wrinkled eyes and look at the world as an open book. Love or give up on, buy new shoes or a sigh from the inability to buy new shoes, take care of family and loved ones or enjoy what you or independent. Feel, worry, live. It does not have to be young and that doesn't leave you with age.published
Author: Nikita Podgornov
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: snob.ru/profile/27133/blog/120003
And that's not my observation, it is they I talk about it constantly Girl 28 years: "I grow old". The other 35, "I am old, let alone me...". One second child the 32, "Well, all, I am now an old woman with two children", and the other no children to the upcoming thirtieth anniversary: "I'm too old to give birth". And those who are closer to forty and beyond, and does little if not apologize for your age. They say, arguments are no longer young.
I'm old!
This is direct speech and verbatim quotes. It all starts closer to thirty, a girl looks in a mirror, says to himself: "Here and gone youth. Now only old age and decay". And this thought causes panic. Growing old is bad. Growing old is hard. Growing old is a terrible sentence. All this develops into a complex before their age.
But what's wrong with age? What's wrong with aging?

©Cate Blanchett on Marie Claire Spain
Aging woman is beautiful.
And all that you decide in your head – it is just a terrible legacy of stupidity and wild complexes, which have nothing to do with the present situation.
To begin with, so please, let's get rid of this Convention, about "women's age", which must not be spoken aloud. Why not??? What is wrong is that this woman is 43 and 32? And someone does 54. Why a woman should always strive to hide your age?
And how it, basically, works? You don't say your age means you're still 25. So, Yes? Kind of universal conspiracy. Don't say anything about the age of the women and they will all always young.
In my opinion, girl, it's your biggest problem: you love this sweet self-deception, and so seek to hide the aging that present themselves on a pedestal of gold stereotype about youth, as the highest point in a woman's life. What is young beautiful and active is the most important and cool, and then with age is not the same and it would be better to hide it.
Hate it when that woman in the head. Honestly. I straighten out of those who say: "Well, apparently I am at least 30, and in the soul and at 22". Stop, my dear. You're 37 and that's fine. You don't look thirty, you look at yourself 37! Your face, your figure, your choice of dress for this evening, your Hobbies, career, divorce, children – that's your story ... you went and earned. Be proud of her, whatever it was, and not hide it behind labels and stereotypes. Are you a short dress, not because you want to seem younger, but because you have beautiful legs and you want to emphasize. And 37, and 47. It does not matter. Your Hobbies should not share on for young and for old. They must have only one parameter – "I want it and it inspires me". That's what matters. To feel freedom and inspiration. To be a woman at any age, and not to limit themselves.
You say, "Easier said than done!" Because so many things interfere! Okay, let's see: what hinders?

The first item is always "beauty".
And it's a big mystery to me. What a young woman so beautiful adult? No wrinkles, firmer butt, better skin, slimmer figure, so what? That is, it is your parameters of beauty? Such a naked Barbie doll's body which has not yet walked age-related changes. Just the outer shell. Breasts, butt, lips, thighs. A little older, a little Zamoranos and all the beauty there.
In my opinion, it is not so. Beauty is much more. The style is character, it's your passion and your story. And in this understanding of beauty and attractiveness: age is an advantage. After all, a grown woman knows more and understands more. In yourself and the world around them. She visited more places and discovered much of what can now pass on to others. Her style in clothes, in makeup, in manners is that she has honed over the years. She is a normal modern woman who is constantly evolving. She's 37, so she's been on a decent path. It became more interesting and more beautiful.But most importantly, she has become so self-sufficient that no one ever dared to rate her as a doll.
Women age – beautiful and sexy. They are interesting and attractive. There's no doubt about it. The only problem is that we are rarely able to speak openly. Seriously, in Russia compliments adult females all too often saturated with vulgarity and the trivial, as if we were again and again happy anniversary our school teacher. Roughly speaking, these compliments never personalized. Always only the generalized formulation. Not a specific woman, just a Woman. We can't say directly that you Katerina very beautiful eyes and sexy waist. Need something to do with eyes like pearls and the waist, as have some DOE.
Is there some kind of freeze factor with regards to attention to adult women. Because they:
a) can be someone else's wives,
b) already mother
C) have a certain social status
and so on.
The woman, ceasing to be a young girl, falls out of the field of personal compliments. Only these common phrases, so as not to offend and not to cross the line.
It's terribly old-fashioned stereotype. Smacks of Patriarchal despotism. To 20 years – a marriageable girl and here's her best quality that you can appreciate out loud. And then she shyly looks from behind the shoulder of her husband and not his nose.
We've never compliment other women. Yes, okay? In the twenty-first century women are strangers? They're property, right? Female slaves?
I hope you understand what I mean? Modern secular model of marriage and any of the partnership completely devoid of all stereotypes "head of household", "gender roles", etc. Is a Union of two equal and independent people. A woman after marriage does not belong to man. It is self-sufficient person who just chooses you as a partner. While it suits her. There should not be restrictions. Instead, they should be the point of contact. Their constant search. The modern Union is hard work. And to the woman was comfortable in it – she needs to feel the attention of other people.
Not pretentious poem postcard, and personal. A personal compliment. It is not binding, does not play on the territory of flirting – it's just attention to women. Not because I have to, but because they are beautiful and interesting. Each in their own way.
When you take a SIP of delicious wine or drink a good coffee you say: "This is a very tasty and delicately prepared". Same with a woman. There is nothing wrong to say his feelings out loud. Even with her partner. It transforms women and helps them to feel beautiful throughout their life, not just when they are young.
What's next? Sex? Same thing with beauty. What had all these years to do, with age does not learn to even better satisfy yourself and your partner? A young girl does not know she wants that the man caressed her Clit or not. Adult confidently takes his hand and gets pleasure. With age, the sex needs to become more diverse and of higher quality.
What else? The factor of "I'm an adult now". I mean, I would like to go to the concert Jared Leto and squeal in the front row, but I'm now a grown woman. I have my own business and children. I can't deal with such things. So it is not accepted.
Who? A generation of women who have had no Garidov Summer? That's the whole point. All age stereotypes – stereotypes of past eras. Woman, aged had to sit at home and humbly take up knitting just because she's more not than it was to do. Remember that! You tell yourself "no" and afraid to go beyond the "conventional wisdom" is guided by the rules of that world, which is no more.

The modern world loves adult women. It does not restrict their lives, but rather opens for them the doors. Aging is not a problem. It's just changes that happen to all people. Yes, you need to accept this challenge and many try to feel comfortable at any age. It was a test, because you need to stay healthy, grow, build a career and to adjust domestic part of life.
It is, in fact, an innovation. Modern man is the first person that lives so long and continues to be active throughout his life. Half a century ago, people could not boast of the ability to live up to 70 years. They did not travel anywhere in the world at any age and their needs was not built a whole industry of consumption. Now, it's almost everyone. Any woman can be who she wants regardless of how old she is.
Old age is a diagnosis that can deliver only the doctors. "Sorry, but you're 84 years old and most likely you do not get to scuba dive. You better sit at home and watch "let's get married".

You've never heard that before? Then everything is in your hands. Take the torch and run with it where you want.
And please promise me that you'll never say that you are aging and that you are comfortable with the numbers in the column "age". Raise your bowed head and take a deep breath, no matter she had lost form with age or not. Open wide your wrinkled eyes and look at the world as an open book. Love or give up on, buy new shoes or a sigh from the inability to buy new shoes, take care of family and loved ones or enjoy what you or independent. Feel, worry, live. It does not have to be young and that doesn't leave you with age.published
Author: Nikita Podgornov
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: snob.ru/profile/27133/blog/120003