This test of 4 questions will tell you who you really are

Forty nine million four hundred twenty three thousand eight hundred eighty five

Three million three hundred ninety three thousand seven hundred forty seven

Presently Site have prepared for you a small but fairly accurate personality test.

To pass it, you will need paper, pen and your imagination. The best way to respond without hesitation the first thing that came to mind.

So, sit back, turn off the logic and imagine that you are swimming in warm and clean ocean.

You dive to admire the sea floor and its inhabitants, as a sudden see a mermaid. What color is her tail? But mermaid is not the only one who caught your eye. Beside her fish. What is it? Dangerous and aggressive or, on the contrary, calm and harmless? You dive deeper and notice at the bottom of the sink. How is this sink? Flat and smooth or, for example, conical with curls? Finally, it is time to return to the land. You swim to shore and find themselves on the beach. How many people do you see there? Remember or write down their answers. Readily?

Six million six hundred thousand two hundred forty eight

To know what is the meaning of your answers. 1. The color of her tail will tell, how you are outgoing.

  • Cool and calm colors such as blue or green, talking about your shyness.
  • Bright colors such as pink or yellow, means that you can easily find a common language with new acquaintances.
2. The fish symbolizes that, how do you resolve a dispute.

  • If you imagined non-aggressive, peaceful fish — you have no problems with saying and stating an opinion.
  • If the fish was predatory and was aggressive, then it suggests that you prefer to avoid disputes and conflicts.
3. Shell reflects the degree of your openness to others.

  • Simple sink with no curl means that you can easily open up to people, and without scruple talk about themselves.
  • On the contrary, if you introduced an unusual sink has an intricate form, you private person and not inclined to share details of his personal life with others.
4. People on the beach point to the number of your friends.

  • The beach is full of people — most likely, you are the real king (or Queen) of the party.
  • A few people — you don't have many friends, but they are close and verified.
  • Well, if you imagine a completely empty beach, then it means that you don't really trust people and do not try to make friends.
And you had a match? Share your results in the comments.

Photos on the preview OlenaKucher / DEPOSITPHOTOS.COM
According to the materials Warehouse Mind /

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