Master photo processing

The one who tried to artistically process the photo knows how difficult it is. To build the background of a scene from multiple pieces of different photos and then put in her "actor", so much so that all gasped — only by a true master. Such as Max Asabin. Here are a few of his works.

Twenty seven million six hundred sixty one thousand one hundred sixty eight

Ninety two million three hundred thirteen thousand five hundred thirty seven

Eighty seven million four hundred ninety seven thousand forty

Sixty seven million seven hundred sixty four thousand six hundred sixty six

Thirty three million eight hundred eighteen thousand nine hundred fifty seven

Thirteen million two hundred fifty five thousand four hundred sixteen

Forty three million two hundred eighty two thousand one hundred nine

Sixty five million seven hundred seventy thousand one hundred seventy six

Thirty three million five hundred ninety seven thousand three hundred twenty five

Sixty five million one hundred thousand nine hundred twenty nine

Seventy one million eighty one thousand four hundred fifty four

Nine million six hundred seventy eight thousand ninety five

Eleven million seven hundred eight thousand eight

Sixty two million one hundred fifty one thousand forty eight

Forty million seven hundred fifty thousand one hundred ninety three

Fifty million eighty five thousand two hundred forty five

Sixty five million seven hundred thousand eighty nine

Forty five million one hundred five thousand one hundred forty nine

Forty million six hundred eighty three thousand eight hundred twelve

Fifty six million four hundred twenty nine thousand five hundred eight

Twenty two million seven hundred thirty five thousand seventy seven