Hydrogen boiler: working principle and using in a private house
Today everything is expensive, including the cost for heating and electricity. A good alternative to traditional heating systems and heating is a hydrogen boiler. It is based on the interaction of the molecules of oxygen and hydrogen, after which the gas (also called brown's gas), and of course heat.
Relatively recently such boilers are used not only in industrial purposes but also for heating of private houses.
Is it possible to reduce the cost of utilities, if you use a boiler in your house? And is it possible to do it yourself? Now we are with you in this and will understand.
Because non-renewable fuels will become more expensive — the question arises about the use of alternative energy sources. Option to move away from traditional fuel in a private house is a hydrogen boiler. At first glance, the use of such a boiler may seem simple and accessible, however, as elsewhere, there is also enough of their intricacies.
Many web tips on how to use the hydrogen boiler, and is it possible to create this system in your hands. I propose to make a scheme, which will include a container with an electrolyte, an electrolytic cell (to separate hydrogen), fuse block as a protection against return flow, combustion chamber and heat exchanger.
How does it all work?First, the electrolyte solution enters the cell. Here is the development of gas and return to the capacity of the developed products. It is desirable to make the capacity of alloy steel and provide in it safety valve: it would be safer. A valve is reset excess pressure. Through the defensive unit, hydrogen is supplied into the combustion chamber and the interaction with oxygen generates heat. In turn, it is fed into the heating system, the moisture liberated in the chamber, recycling, returns to capacity. That is, as you can see, this system is able to cumulopuntia.
If you add to this diagram the control elements, then just get the current hydrogen boiler which can replace other fuel used to heat your home. Next, you are testing the system and eliminate the shortcomings encountered in the Assembly process.
Please note that this system of heating with a hydrogen boiler will be safe, if the reaction of interaction occurs strictly in the capacity that is allocated for this. Leakages simply should not be, otherwise the explosion.
Next time — the elements connecting the boiler and part-house heating system. Tip: reduce pipe diameter starting from 32 mm to 25 mm, gradually, from connection to connection and branching, as the pipes inside the house.
For the production of hydrogen can be used in different generators. The choice of any of them must be due to produce power. She, in turn, tied to the parameters of the room you intend to heat. I will say just in case that is the most powerful generator has 6 channels.
The hydrogen boiler is a boiler so you have at home. Each channel can work independently from the others. All channels have a catalyst (and everyone again). The catalyst is designed to accelerate the decomposition of molecules of water and promote the release of the flow of heat. Once the heat passes through the heat exchanger, its temperature falls to 40OC. That is, a temperature is most useful if you heat the house the system "warm floor" (or "warm ceiling").
Sometimes the most expensive part of the production process is raw material. In this case, to use the hydrogen boiler, we need somewhere to hydrogen. To get it, again you will need to use electricity. So we should do it in such a way that the "game was worth the candle". The cost of production must not be expensive results of production.
It stops wanting to try to make hydrogen the boiler with your hands: to receive the hydrogen they spend as much as would save using electricity directly for heating purposes at home. Of course, the world is not static, it is dynamic. It is quite possible that the day will come when the use of modern technologies will allow to reduce the cost of hundreds of household processes. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: estp-blog.ru/rubrics/rid-39969/
Relatively recently such boilers are used not only in industrial purposes but also for heating of private houses.
Is it possible to reduce the cost of utilities, if you use a boiler in your house? And is it possible to do it yourself? Now we are with you in this and will understand.
Because non-renewable fuels will become more expensive — the question arises about the use of alternative energy sources. Option to move away from traditional fuel in a private house is a hydrogen boiler. At first glance, the use of such a boiler may seem simple and accessible, however, as elsewhere, there is also enough of their intricacies.
Many web tips on how to use the hydrogen boiler, and is it possible to create this system in your hands. I propose to make a scheme, which will include a container with an electrolyte, an electrolytic cell (to separate hydrogen), fuse block as a protection against return flow, combustion chamber and heat exchanger.
How does it all work?First, the electrolyte solution enters the cell. Here is the development of gas and return to the capacity of the developed products. It is desirable to make the capacity of alloy steel and provide in it safety valve: it would be safer. A valve is reset excess pressure. Through the defensive unit, hydrogen is supplied into the combustion chamber and the interaction with oxygen generates heat. In turn, it is fed into the heating system, the moisture liberated in the chamber, recycling, returns to capacity. That is, as you can see, this system is able to cumulopuntia.
If you add to this diagram the control elements, then just get the current hydrogen boiler which can replace other fuel used to heat your home. Next, you are testing the system and eliminate the shortcomings encountered in the Assembly process.
Please note that this system of heating with a hydrogen boiler will be safe, if the reaction of interaction occurs strictly in the capacity that is allocated for this. Leakages simply should not be, otherwise the explosion.
Next time — the elements connecting the boiler and part-house heating system. Tip: reduce pipe diameter starting from 32 mm to 25 mm, gradually, from connection to connection and branching, as the pipes inside the house.
For the production of hydrogen can be used in different generators. The choice of any of them must be due to produce power. She, in turn, tied to the parameters of the room you intend to heat. I will say just in case that is the most powerful generator has 6 channels.
The hydrogen boiler is a boiler so you have at home. Each channel can work independently from the others. All channels have a catalyst (and everyone again). The catalyst is designed to accelerate the decomposition of molecules of water and promote the release of the flow of heat. Once the heat passes through the heat exchanger, its temperature falls to 40OC. That is, a temperature is most useful if you heat the house the system "warm floor" (or "warm ceiling").
Sometimes the most expensive part of the production process is raw material. In this case, to use the hydrogen boiler, we need somewhere to hydrogen. To get it, again you will need to use electricity. So we should do it in such a way that the "game was worth the candle". The cost of production must not be expensive results of production.
It stops wanting to try to make hydrogen the boiler with your hands: to receive the hydrogen they spend as much as would save using electricity directly for heating purposes at home. Of course, the world is not static, it is dynamic. It is quite possible that the day will come when the use of modern technologies will allow to reduce the cost of hundreds of household processes. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: estp-blog.ru/rubrics/rid-39969/
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