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Popular psychological defense

Structure of personality (Freud)

Before talking about defenses, let us recall the structure of personality Freudian slip.

ID (It) — attraction, instincts and primary needs. Requires immediate discharge, without paying attention to consequences.

Ego (I) — processes the pulses and compares the ID with a Super Ego. Responsible for making decisions. Provides a delay to satisfy the instincts appropriate way.

Super-ego (superego) is formed in society, the result of education and exposure to others. Formed a kind of “must” without explaining why. Over time, parental control enters the control. Unfortunately, the action of the superego is so strong that a person other than “shall” nothing in life can not afford.

Defense mechanisms occur in response of the psyche on pain factors. They arise either when faced “I “ with reality, or among the structures of personality (Freudian slip). “I” processes the pulses “It”, and compares it with the superego. And if you cannot Express those impulses, there are different kinds of protection, and psychic energy is returned in “It” and enhances the expression of other impulses.

For example, a woman who for any reason cannot meet their sexual needs, can devalue (protected) sex life, but the sex-impulse is returned in “It” and can manifest itself in the desire of quarreling with someone. Not randomly quarrelsome scandalous woman say “dissatisfaction”, and Michael Litvak says thatthe scandal is a kind of sex.

The term “psychological defense” was introduced by Sigmund Freud in 1894 and active learning has received in the works of Anna Freud. Protection can have positive, adaptive function, distorting reality to a more secure, but is automatically activated where they are not needed. Then there is a sort of a tower that protects their tenants and restricts them in their actions.

Protection seeks to perform the following tasks:

  • To avoid or to master certain powerful, threatening feeling, e.g., anxiety, grief and other unpleasant feelings;

  • To maintain self-esteem.

The choice of those or other defenses, which mainly relates to the following factors:

  • Inborn temperament;

  • The nature of stress experienced in early childhood;

  • Protection used by parents or other significant figures;

  • Experience of the use of certain defenses.

Protection are divided into primitive (rst-order) and higher (second order).

Primitive protection

The main characteristics are:

  • Lack of touch with reality;

  • Insufficient consideration of separateness and constancy of objects outside their own Ya


Select the main:

Primitive insulation. Manifested in the desire to sleep and sleep, not to leave the house, with no one to talk to. It is a departure into the inner world, a world of fantasy. In infancy this mechanism can be seen in the long time a crying baby, and then ceasing, often falling asleep. Parents often do not specifically suited to the child with words “and pooret stop”, “it's all his manipulations”. In fact, the child feels intense fear and the psyche is left intact, he just falls asleep. The advantage of such protection is that reality is not distorted. The minus is that people off of active problem solving. In the best case, of course, the problem will be solved by itself, but it may not happen always.

Denial. This refusal to accept the existence of unpleasant. Found in crisis situations of acute grief. For example, a woman who received the summons from the war of the death of her husband, denying, will just continue to wait for him, setting dinner for two. Again, psyche is saved, but by accepting the reality, she could build a new relationship with another man.

Projection. My favorite defense mechanism in the sense that it occurs all the time, where would you go where would not be. And it is that inner erroneously perceived as coming from outside. Mainly attributed to the unpleasant, unacceptable in the us, mostly unconsciously, the outside world, to other people.

Says M. E. Litvak, “I want to know a person, listen to what he says about others.” He is “jealous of the one who is cheating.” That is, we perceive people through the prism of their own projections. The world is a reflection of what is in ourselves. And only after recognizing a certain part, we can see the world much wider. When you see something in the other person, want to blame something, stop and think, and whether you own it. Sometimes it takes years to see something that we always see in others, but remains invisible to us.

Regression. Return to the early periods of life. People who frequently use this mechanism represents a personality, which they say “infantile”. You can see the same children at the birth of the youngest child (stops to go potty, requests a pacifier). In adults in the form of insults, throwing objects, etc bisexual relations (don't know who I really am, a girl or a boy) etc. But the regression is important for interaction with the inner child, which gives us the resource of creative potential.

Rationalization. A logical, rational explanation of his own thoughts, actions, attitudes. Giving to avoid guilt and responsibility. For example, I do not take the job, because only through experience (in fact, people do not want to realize that not enough experience). Or, I'm not married, because both smart and beautiful, and no decent (in fact, the problem in smart and beautiful).As a rule, the higher the intelligence, the more often a person uses this mechanism.

Primitive idealization and devaluation.The idealization stems from childhood, when we idealize parents and believe that they may all know how. But with time one realizes that nothing is perfect. Those who are not aware, constantly in search of the ideal in the environment, and seeking to bring themselves to a certain ideal.

This is manifested in plastic and other manipulations with your body in a constant study of the “eternal student” of frequent change of jobs, sexual partners in search of the perfect, in joining idol (I have the best doctor, the child learns in the best school, etc.). But after the idealization, as a rule, is the depreciation, the more idealized, the more impaired stronger will be disappointed in something or someone.

To keep a long-term relationship with a man that use these protections, you need to keep a distance, not to be bestsennym. The distance is not so visible imperfection, but as he gets closer to you, you will understand that you are perfect, then go in search of another ideal, but not really existing.


About the spiritual and material debtRESENTMENT — Packed ANGER

Offset. The transfer of feelings, emotions, actions from an initial object to another, more affordable, more secure. For example,

  • translation of aggressive energy in a constructive activity (occupational therapy).

  • divert your erotic impulses with the forbidden, unreal, unattainable objects of sexual partner.

  • had a fight with boss, comes home and will take it out on their loved ones. They, unlike the chief, I did not do anything, at least not fired.

  • a mixture of anxiety on specific objects. Mom is good, why be afraid of it, and that's why I'm afraid of spiders. So there is a phobia.published


Author: Liliya Morozova


Source: cross-club.ru/214-struktura-lichnosti.html