10 interesting facts from the life of Sigmund Freud (11 photos)
Noteworthy moments from the life of the famous psychoanalyst, who himself suffered from addictions and strange
1. Drugs
Sigmund Freud so much addicted to cocaine that openly discussed the subject with his fiancee and conducted experiments on himself. He has written several articles in which he gives details about all the "miraculous" properties of this drug.
2. Misogyny
Freud believed that the cause of all the psychological problems of women lies in the fact that nature cheated of their penises. Moreover, according to the great psychologist, the fair sex does not have the capacity for objective judgment. He considered them infantile, jealous and ignorant. And if there is a problem in society - its cause, according to Freud, it is necessary to search for a woman, especially when it comes to the sexual tension between the sexes.
3. The theory of psychosexual analysis
Freud developed some very strange theories, a lot of whom have since been refuted. He was convinced that young children (including newborns) have unconscious sexual attraction. According to Freud, the existence of three psychosexual stages of personality development: oral, anal and phallic. The child who is not getting enough stimulation in infancy is likely to be formed oral-passive personality type: the person will experience a constant desire to chew on something or just take your mouth. Absolutely way accustom the child to the toilet affects its character in the future. Freud also had some theories related to the Oedipus complex (when little boys are attracted their mothers) and Electra complex (when little girls draw their dad).
4. Cancer
Many even had no idea that for a long time, Freud was struggling with cancer of the oral cavity, which was the cause of the excessive addiction to cigars. At one point, he even managed to quit the habit, but a year later he again succumbed to the temptation. According to some reports, he smoked 20 cigars a day. Freud endured 34 operations, one of which almost cost him his life.
5. The founder of psychoanalysis
Primarily known for the invention of psychoanalysis, Freud, although in this respect there are some doubts. He was the first who popularized this method, and thus influence the activity of many of the great psychologists (such as Carl Jung). It is based on analysis of the patient's early childhood and unconscious aspects of the personality. However, this theory has been criticized, and even today, many psychologists consider it controversial. Despite this, the contribution of Freud's psychology is big enough.
6. Envy pregnancy
In response to Freud's theory that the cause of many women's troubles was the envy of the male reproductive organs, women come up with an alternative theory envy of pregnancy, according to which in fact the stronger sex envy weak because of their physiological inability to give life. Thus, they become involved in building a career, to feel, which is also capable of creating anything.
7. Interpretation of Dreams
Freud wrote a book "The Interpretation of Dreams," which explains that in addition to the explicit dream there is the hidden and unconscious. What you have to remember - just your mind while you sleep, which are designed to disguise unconscious.
8. Unconscious
Freud was one of the first to put forward the theory that affect the subject. Simply put, the unconscious - is any processes in the brain that occur without our participation. However, Freud was convinced that there was something more. Unconscious directly affects our behavior, and by the unconscious led the suppression of emotions in his youth. He firmly believed that a person's actions are the result of unconscious processes. Therefore, the "free" choice is not so clear, it seems to us.
9. The oral stage of development
According to rumors once Freud lit a cigar in front of a group of students, one of whom commented that the great psychologist feels constantly need something to take your mouth while, so at the oral stage of development of the individual. What Freud said, "Sometimes a cigar - just a cigar." Oddly enough, it turned out later that the story was just fiction. But scientists really liked cigars. According to him, cigars, played an important role in his life, helping to improve productivity. In short, if such a thing as the oral stage of development of the person really exists - it had to Freud most relevant.
10. Polyglot
Sigmund Freud perfectly mastered German, Italian, Greek, English and Latin, and Hebrew. For most people, it is an impressive list, as they may boast except that a good command of their mother tongue. Besides, Freud was certainly a gifted man. In eight years, he had read Shakespeare. Soon, he was accepted to a prestigious university, where he graduated with honors.

1. Drugs

Sigmund Freud so much addicted to cocaine that openly discussed the subject with his fiancee and conducted experiments on himself. He has written several articles in which he gives details about all the "miraculous" properties of this drug.
2. Misogyny

Freud believed that the cause of all the psychological problems of women lies in the fact that nature cheated of their penises. Moreover, according to the great psychologist, the fair sex does not have the capacity for objective judgment. He considered them infantile, jealous and ignorant. And if there is a problem in society - its cause, according to Freud, it is necessary to search for a woman, especially when it comes to the sexual tension between the sexes.
3. The theory of psychosexual analysis

Freud developed some very strange theories, a lot of whom have since been refuted. He was convinced that young children (including newborns) have unconscious sexual attraction. According to Freud, the existence of three psychosexual stages of personality development: oral, anal and phallic. The child who is not getting enough stimulation in infancy is likely to be formed oral-passive personality type: the person will experience a constant desire to chew on something or just take your mouth. Absolutely way accustom the child to the toilet affects its character in the future. Freud also had some theories related to the Oedipus complex (when little boys are attracted their mothers) and Electra complex (when little girls draw their dad).
4. Cancer

Many even had no idea that for a long time, Freud was struggling with cancer of the oral cavity, which was the cause of the excessive addiction to cigars. At one point, he even managed to quit the habit, but a year later he again succumbed to the temptation. According to some reports, he smoked 20 cigars a day. Freud endured 34 operations, one of which almost cost him his life.
5. The founder of psychoanalysis

Primarily known for the invention of psychoanalysis, Freud, although in this respect there are some doubts. He was the first who popularized this method, and thus influence the activity of many of the great psychologists (such as Carl Jung). It is based on analysis of the patient's early childhood and unconscious aspects of the personality. However, this theory has been criticized, and even today, many psychologists consider it controversial. Despite this, the contribution of Freud's psychology is big enough.
6. Envy pregnancy

In response to Freud's theory that the cause of many women's troubles was the envy of the male reproductive organs, women come up with an alternative theory envy of pregnancy, according to which in fact the stronger sex envy weak because of their physiological inability to give life. Thus, they become involved in building a career, to feel, which is also capable of creating anything.
7. Interpretation of Dreams

Freud wrote a book "The Interpretation of Dreams," which explains that in addition to the explicit dream there is the hidden and unconscious. What you have to remember - just your mind while you sleep, which are designed to disguise unconscious.
8. Unconscious

Freud was one of the first to put forward the theory that affect the subject. Simply put, the unconscious - is any processes in the brain that occur without our participation. However, Freud was convinced that there was something more. Unconscious directly affects our behavior, and by the unconscious led the suppression of emotions in his youth. He firmly believed that a person's actions are the result of unconscious processes. Therefore, the "free" choice is not so clear, it seems to us.
9. The oral stage of development

According to rumors once Freud lit a cigar in front of a group of students, one of whom commented that the great psychologist feels constantly need something to take your mouth while, so at the oral stage of development of the individual. What Freud said, "Sometimes a cigar - just a cigar." Oddly enough, it turned out later that the story was just fiction. But scientists really liked cigars. According to him, cigars, played an important role in his life, helping to improve productivity. In short, if such a thing as the oral stage of development of the person really exists - it had to Freud most relevant.
10. Polyglot

Sigmund Freud perfectly mastered German, Italian, Greek, English and Latin, and Hebrew. For most people, it is an impressive list, as they may boast except that a good command of their mother tongue. Besides, Freud was certainly a gifted man. In eight years, he had read Shakespeare. Soon, he was accepted to a prestigious university, where he graduated with honors.