Here is what you should pay attention, looking in the mirror
An old saying claims that eyes are the mirror of the soul. The origin of this phrase is unknown, however, today we know that the eyes can tell a lot about you and at least to show the state of your health.
We at the Website decided to share these observations with you.
1. Nagging barley
If you have ever had barley, you know the pain and irritation it causes. Bump on the eyelid occurs due to blocked oil glands and usually goes away in a few days, but may persist longer, causing serious inconvenience.
If the barley appears you often and persists for a long time — it could be a symptom of carcinoma of the sebaceous gland. So if you notice that it is long not healing or jumps on one and the same place — it's time to go to the doctor.
2. The loss of eyebrows
Causes of loss of eyebrows can be aging, stress and nutrient deficiency. Also eyebrows may fall out due to alopecia areata, which, however, affects not more than 0.1 % of the population.
However, a more likely cause of hair loss in this area can be hypothyroidism — a persistent lack of thyroid hormones, which in extreme cases leads to total hair loss. So if your eyebrows began to thin — you should talk to a doctor about the condition of your thyroid.
3. Blurred vision
Many of us spend hours behind a computer at work or at home, eventually feeling the burning sensation in the eyes or "blurring" of vision. Today this situation is so common that in medical practice the term describing the visual problems associated with prolonged use of computer, mobile phone or e-book — "digital eye fatigue" or "dry eye syndrome". If you find such symptoms in yourself, talk with your doctor about the solutions to the problem.
4. Blind spots
To notice the blind spot in vision is always very scary, and often this can indicate you have migraine with aura, especially if the picture is accompanied by sparkling dots or wavy lines. Usually, it is accompanied by headache.
If similar phenomena for you is not uncommon to go to the doctor to understand what is the trigger of the problem.
5. Bulging eyes
We all have had times when it seemed that the eyes fail us. We have three of them blink a few times and it seems that the vision became clearer. But if you are constantly experiencing a feeling of expansion in the eyes, it may be associated with hyperthyroidism — a condition in which the thyroid gland over-active, also known as graves ' disease.
One of the symptoms is visual eye growth and in violation of the batting eyelids, making eyes begin to look like the bulging that occurs in 30% of patients with this disease. So if you noticed something like that- urgently to the doctor.
6. Yellow proteins
Each day we spend some time at the mirror, so to ignore this obvious problem is highly unlikely.
Jaundice may occur in newborns with immature liver function and adults. Its appearance might be due to the gallbladder or ducts, so if you find a strange yellowing of the eyes — try to determine the cause.
7. Blurred vision in diabetes
People with diagnosed diabetes have to keep track of many health issues, and vision problems among them. One of the problematic symptoms is diabetic retinopathy — a condition that is caused by damage to blood vessels in the light sensitive tissue of the retina, causing and the feeling of dimness. This problem should be taken seriously and consult a specialist if symptoms like blurred vision.
8. Double vision, blurred or loss of vision
Any change of view — alarming bell that requires instant response. But if you suddenly discover they have sudden double vision, dimness, blurred or even vision loss — without delay seek medical help, as often these symptoms are the first signs of a stroke.
According to the materials dailyhealthpost
See also
What it says about the person in his handwriting
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