10 psychological movies that keep in suspense until the last minute

The website has compiled a list of psychological movies, which not just help to pass the evening, and forced to get lost in the complicated impulses of the human soul. These patterns provide food for thought and a reason to analyze his own actions and motives.
Caution: history of mesh with the first frame and not let go until the final credits!
She Elle

Michelle is a wealthy divorced woman, she has a career, a grown son, former husband and unobtrusive lover. One day in her regular life something shocking happens: the house bursts into unknown and brutally rapes her. However, after his departure, Michelle is in no hurry with a call to the police. A terrible event evokes severe childhood traumas, and the woman sees a rapist in every counter. "She" is a thorough study of the personality of the heroine, her injuries, motives and vices.
A single man A Single Man

George devotes himself one day to decide whether its continued existence meaning after the death of his lover Jim, with whom he lived for 16 years. George desperately clinging to the beauty of this world and trying to find comfort from an old girlfriend Charlotte. Incredibly beautiful and profound movie for people who already know what loss and pain, but in spite of this, understand and feel with all your heart: life is beautiful.
Under cover of night, Nocturnal Animals

It seems that Susan has: a private gallery and a wonderful husband. But the familiar world is disrupted when a former husband sends his new novel and asked Susan to read it. With each page she became more and more immersed in the past that seemed to her the long hidden "under the cover of night". This story is shocking and at the same time raises questions about fateful choices and mistakes of the past, who sometimes have to pay too high a price.
The Destruction Of The Demolition

Davis had died a wife, but he feels nothing for this reason. Trying to understand the reason of his indifference, he writes a long letter to support a vending machine that didn't give him a pack of "M&Ms". Yet it is an irresistible pull stuff apart: leaking refrigerator, a creaking door in the bathroom and even your own house. In this drama, no long monologues about the loss, but there is a strong image of a broken man who is struggling to get to the bottom of it and rethink your life.
Neon The Neon demon Demon

Jesse dreams of fame and money, so just graduating from school, she goes to Los Angeles to conquer the world business model. Very soon with the right Dating girl knocks out a place under the sun. But the meteoric rise have to pay, because there are so many envious rivals ready to do anything for success. This stylish picture of a broken psyche, an inflated ego, the cruelty, and that man is not always a friend.
The Invitation The Invitation

Will comes to the party to his ex-wife and soon begins to realize that the other guests have a shared secret — a terrifying plan, which it is. The movie is constantly pumped atmosphere looks at one go, and the ending is shocking. Unusual and creepy psychological Thriller that is worth your time.
The ghostly beauty of Collateral Beauty

The film's protagonist works at an advertising Agency in new York. Recently in his life was a real tragedy, which has plunged him into severe depression. Colleagues are trying to help and come up with an unusual plan to get a friend for life, but not everything works the way they intended. Beautiful sentimental drama, leaving after viewing a sense of bright sadness. Its worth a look if only because of the brilliant cast.
It's only the end of the world Juste la fin du monde

Louis returned home after a 12-year absence. He needs to tell the family about the disease, sucking the life out of him. Have so much I want to ask, so much to tell, but the words betrayed stuck in my throat. Everything has changed, but in the best way? Misunderstanding, nostalgia, disappointment, loneliness, pain and hurt — all mixed up in this bitter psychological drama.
The Wages Of The Railway Man

During the Second world war, British officer Eric Lomax was captured by Japanese troops and went through all the horrors of military camps. Many years later he learns that one of his tormentors lives quietly and happily somewhere in Thailand. Eric decides to go to the man who still gives him nightmares. Powerful film about the seriousness of moral and ethical choice about revenge, justice, and about how difficult it is to let go of his past, especially a traumatic and terrible.
Diary of a teenage girl The Diary of a Teenage Girl

Shocking story of a teenage girl who was having an affair with the boyfriend of his mother. The movie is replete with conversations and Frank and unsightly scenes. "Diary" — a kind of ode to freedom of thought, encouraging serious reflection.
Photos on the preview Vendian Entertainment
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