14 children that were smarter than their teachers
Forty seven million four hundred seventy four thousand one hundred twenty
Perhaps the school teachers long since time to start a collections with pearls from their students. Every time the children find more and more original answers to questions, never ceasing to surprise and amuse us with their characters. Take a look at this compilation and see for yourself.
Photos on the preview jul_iss
See also
Here's how to answer the exam when you know nothing
25 notes, who could write only children
via www.adme.ru/zhizn-semya/25-zapisok-kotorye-mogli-napisat-tolko-deti-809210/
Perhaps the school teachers long since time to start a collections with pearls from their students. Every time the children find more and more original answers to questions, never ceasing to surprise and amuse us with their characters. Take a look at this compilation and see for yourself.

Photos on the preview jul_iss
See also
Here's how to answer the exam when you know nothing
25 notes, who could write only children
via www.adme.ru/zhizn-semya/25-zapisok-kotorye-mogli-napisat-tolko-deti-809210/
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