RESENTMENT – the consequence of PRIDE and Inability to communicate
Each person wants to be offended. Even tonight, on the way to work, someone accidentally stepped on your foot and apologized. It's a shame? Of course! Before his favorite person said or did something wrong. It's a shame? Of course! Or you are lost in thought, took a SIP of too hot coffee and got burned. And then offended: for themselves, for coffee and to the whole world. Here's the thing...
Despite the fact that the resentment is very common and it regularly every person has, you must understand its harmfulness and resist that feeling as much as possible. Where does this feeling and why so much affect the person?
Anyone anything it is IMPOSSIBLE to offend!
The man himself decides to take offense to it or not. In most cases, of course, is offended: how else to perceive the unjust remark of the chief how to respond to the departure of a loved one to someone, in your opinion, less valuable, how else to show the world their dissatisfaction with standard of living?
Their offense adults look a little funny and like toddlers who insults and copious tears, seeking attention.
That could make a man long turned this age, but to be offended about and no reason not ceased, and he was seriously offended and believes that this sense of him as a help in your life?
He does not understand that resentment is a destructive feeling, hindering the development of his personality. Offended people never reach success in any sphere of life. If you let offense to my soul and allow her to settle there, she will be the main feeling, which does not allow to develop other senses. She also begins to destroy in the Bud all the noble impulses of man, necessary for personal growth. Resentment is the main obstacle in achieving goals. Resentment is the cause of diseases that occur on the physical plane. You understand how serious this is?!
At the heart of all grievances are unreasonable expectations and unfulfilled desires.
In communicating with loved ones that you care, you are in constant expectation of something: my mother buys a doll (not bought); that's my guy earlier today for me to be freed from the business, and we'll go to the cafe (not free, not went); that my child is going to learn English and will go to the most prestigious faculty, the most prestigious University (not learned, not received – it generally animals like). And off we go: grievances arise out of the blue, almost from your fantasies, the reproaches showered on the heads of loved ones, from the horn of plenty, and they don't understand what the problem is and start to consider itself to blame for your invented "the mountain".
Thus, the offended person destroys not only themselves, but also imposes destructive feelings to your loved ones.
To resentment did not destroy your world, your plans, your personality, neobhodimosti to transform this negative feeling into the positive energy of success and development:
1. Release the resentment, get rid of it. If you are offended by a particular person or people, forgive them and in any way you can let them know that you are not offended, and I think teachers in my life: write them about it, send SMS, call. If they don't want you to see and hear, or you use the visualize – vividly and clearly imagine the person forgive you, and with all sincerity and love say the phrase forgiveness. Goodbye not for show, but from the heart.
2. Try not to let the hurt deep into the soul. Abstracted from unpleasant situations and unpleasant people. Remember that resentful and aggressive people and energy vampires and their offended they are encouraging you to contact, to little to feed on your fresh energy. Don't give them that chance.
3. Do not make sudden movements in achieving their goals. If you have built in your mind a desire (to become rich, become a favorite), go to him very slowly and carefully, don't waste time on unnecessary resentment (that happened today), and gradually enter in resonance with this desire, showing calm, not excessive interest (if I don't get it right can't live).
In the end, the man realizes that he failed to achieve his goals, disappointed, offended on life, on yourself, to the Universe, which he supposedly didn't help, and ceases to act, and therefore ceases to grow.
4.Stop expect from others the necessary behaviors, some positive in your opinion of the changes right here and now, remember that the universe operates according to the principle "One owes Nothing to";
Resentment is the consequence of pride and inability to communicate. About self-exaltation causes a person to perceive yourself, a loved one, as a super-creature: I'm the prettiest, I'm the smartest, I'm the most successful. And the universe and other people, perceive it as normal, the head is giving him a reprimand for being late, as an ordinary worker, girlfriend leaves him for another, because I do not find anything interesting in this person. "Super-entity" does not understand why he was such an ideal, underestimated, and begins to protect itself and defend against the world resentment.
But even the most infected by vanity and insults a person can transform destructive emotions into creative energy. Everything is getting better through sincere forgiveness.
Forgive others, forgive all who are far or near, all who are alive and who are no longer, if they offended you something.
But, more importantly, forgive yourself!
According to statistics, most people most of the grievances harbored by yourself: could do, but did not, could say, but he did not, if I had acted differently, then now everything would be different. Do not accumulate wrongs and if you have accumulated in your power to turn them into energy for development and personal growth. Not too late at any age to say: "I was wrong, but I forgive myself and allow myself to reach those goals that I am worthy!".published
Source: lwpcenter.ru/articles/transformacia.html
Despite the fact that the resentment is very common and it regularly every person has, you must understand its harmfulness and resist that feeling as much as possible. Where does this feeling and why so much affect the person?
Anyone anything it is IMPOSSIBLE to offend!
The man himself decides to take offense to it or not. In most cases, of course, is offended: how else to perceive the unjust remark of the chief how to respond to the departure of a loved one to someone, in your opinion, less valuable, how else to show the world their dissatisfaction with standard of living?
Their offense adults look a little funny and like toddlers who insults and copious tears, seeking attention.

That could make a man long turned this age, but to be offended about and no reason not ceased, and he was seriously offended and believes that this sense of him as a help in your life?
He does not understand that resentment is a destructive feeling, hindering the development of his personality. Offended people never reach success in any sphere of life. If you let offense to my soul and allow her to settle there, she will be the main feeling, which does not allow to develop other senses. She also begins to destroy in the Bud all the noble impulses of man, necessary for personal growth. Resentment is the main obstacle in achieving goals. Resentment is the cause of diseases that occur on the physical plane. You understand how serious this is?!
At the heart of all grievances are unreasonable expectations and unfulfilled desires.
In communicating with loved ones that you care, you are in constant expectation of something: my mother buys a doll (not bought); that's my guy earlier today for me to be freed from the business, and we'll go to the cafe (not free, not went); that my child is going to learn English and will go to the most prestigious faculty, the most prestigious University (not learned, not received – it generally animals like). And off we go: grievances arise out of the blue, almost from your fantasies, the reproaches showered on the heads of loved ones, from the horn of plenty, and they don't understand what the problem is and start to consider itself to blame for your invented "the mountain".

Thus, the offended person destroys not only themselves, but also imposes destructive feelings to your loved ones.
To resentment did not destroy your world, your plans, your personality, neobhodimosti to transform this negative feeling into the positive energy of success and development:
1. Release the resentment, get rid of it. If you are offended by a particular person or people, forgive them and in any way you can let them know that you are not offended, and I think teachers in my life: write them about it, send SMS, call. If they don't want you to see and hear, or you use the visualize – vividly and clearly imagine the person forgive you, and with all sincerity and love say the phrase forgiveness. Goodbye not for show, but from the heart.
2. Try not to let the hurt deep into the soul. Abstracted from unpleasant situations and unpleasant people. Remember that resentful and aggressive people and energy vampires and their offended they are encouraging you to contact, to little to feed on your fresh energy. Don't give them that chance.
3. Do not make sudden movements in achieving their goals. If you have built in your mind a desire (to become rich, become a favorite), go to him very slowly and carefully, don't waste time on unnecessary resentment (that happened today), and gradually enter in resonance with this desire, showing calm, not excessive interest (if I don't get it right can't live).
In the end, the man realizes that he failed to achieve his goals, disappointed, offended on life, on yourself, to the Universe, which he supposedly didn't help, and ceases to act, and therefore ceases to grow.
4.Stop expect from others the necessary behaviors, some positive in your opinion of the changes right here and now, remember that the universe operates according to the principle "One owes Nothing to";
Resentment is the consequence of pride and inability to communicate. About self-exaltation causes a person to perceive yourself, a loved one, as a super-creature: I'm the prettiest, I'm the smartest, I'm the most successful. And the universe and other people, perceive it as normal, the head is giving him a reprimand for being late, as an ordinary worker, girlfriend leaves him for another, because I do not find anything interesting in this person. "Super-entity" does not understand why he was such an ideal, underestimated, and begins to protect itself and defend against the world resentment.
But even the most infected by vanity and insults a person can transform destructive emotions into creative energy. Everything is getting better through sincere forgiveness.
Forgive others, forgive all who are far or near, all who are alive and who are no longer, if they offended you something.
But, more importantly, forgive yourself!
According to statistics, most people most of the grievances harbored by yourself: could do, but did not, could say, but he did not, if I had acted differently, then now everything would be different. Do not accumulate wrongs and if you have accumulated in your power to turn them into energy for development and personal growth. Not too late at any age to say: "I was wrong, but I forgive myself and allow myself to reach those goals that I am worthy!".published
Source: lwpcenter.ru/articles/transformacia.html
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