Sales growth of electric cars ahead forecasts 3 times
As stated in the report Morgan Stanley, sales of electric cars and hybrids by 2025 will grow to 10-15% of the global market. This is three times more than the financiers predicted earlier.
The reason for this sudden jump, according to analysts Morgan Stanley, that every civilized nation requires car manufacturers just a couple of years to significantly reduce CO2 emissions.
According to the chief author of the report Harald Hendrix, much more prevents mass adoption of electric vehicles. "The prices of batteries are very high, the reserve is too small, and the weight of the batteries is too great. The infrastructure of charging stations in many countries, not ordered," he writes.
"Consumer demand is very limited, most of the released electric cars, except Tesla. Despite this, we now there is such situation that the largest producers in the world are investing large sums in these technologies and set themselves an aggressive goal," he continues.
However, the main factors Hendricks said the growth restrictions on internal combustion engines, which force the auto industry to switch to electric traction, and advances in technology in the battery industry. Therefore, more manufacturers decided to release their own electric cars, the more confident analysts argue that their market share will increase to 10-15% by 2025.
There is not such encouraging news, according to Morgan Stanley, the auto industry in the coming years will become less profitable industry than it used to be in the past.
This year, several major automobile concern announced the launch of electric vehicles: Volkswagen has threatened to release over the 10 years from 30 models of electric cars, Hyundai plans to 14 models by 2020, while Toyota and Mazda are going to expand the mass production of electric vehicle in the next three years.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: ecotechnica.com.ua/transport/1714-bankiry-rost-prodazh-elektrokarov-operezhaet-prognozy-v-3-raza.html
The reason for this sudden jump, according to analysts Morgan Stanley, that every civilized nation requires car manufacturers just a couple of years to significantly reduce CO2 emissions.
According to the chief author of the report Harald Hendrix, much more prevents mass adoption of electric vehicles. "The prices of batteries are very high, the reserve is too small, and the weight of the batteries is too great. The infrastructure of charging stations in many countries, not ordered," he writes.
"Consumer demand is very limited, most of the released electric cars, except Tesla. Despite this, we now there is such situation that the largest producers in the world are investing large sums in these technologies and set themselves an aggressive goal," he continues.
However, the main factors Hendricks said the growth restrictions on internal combustion engines, which force the auto industry to switch to electric traction, and advances in technology in the battery industry. Therefore, more manufacturers decided to release their own electric cars, the more confident analysts argue that their market share will increase to 10-15% by 2025.
There is not such encouraging news, according to Morgan Stanley, the auto industry in the coming years will become less profitable industry than it used to be in the past.
This year, several major automobile concern announced the launch of electric vehicles: Volkswagen has threatened to release over the 10 years from 30 models of electric cars, Hyundai plans to 14 models by 2020, while Toyota and Mazda are going to expand the mass production of electric vehicle in the next three years.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: ecotechnica.com.ua/transport/1714-bankiry-rost-prodazh-elektrokarov-operezhaet-prognozy-v-3-raza.html
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