How to grow kiwi from seed at home

Kiwi is incredibly delicious and healthy fruit that is rich in vitamin C, has antioxidant properties and eliminates toxins from the body. You can use it in many recipes from salads to desserts. The plant may live about 50 years, and you can grow from the seeds of a real tree and it won't be easy.

You will need:



Paper towel

Clean the plastic container

Substrate for indoor plants


1. Remove seeds from kiwi.

2. Rinse the seeds in the sink to get rid of the stickiness, using a colander.

3. Place the seeds on a damp paper towel, place in a plastic container.

4. Keep in a warm place.

5. Check every day until you notice that the seeds sprouted. The paper towel should always be moist.

6. Rip that towel into little pieces (along with sprouted seeds), put a few of these pieces in a small pot.

We wish you success! Let the tree grows and pleases you fruits!



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