This meeting grandma and cute little Jewish boy in the Summer garden almost ended in a heart attack

One St. Petersburg family, long time otvalilsya on the "historic homeland", decided to show already born in Israel to a child the city of the ancestors. Naturally, arrived to the glorious city of Saint-Lunenburg, had admired the child for the bridges and palaces, led to the Summer garden. Where, in fact, turned a fun event that the Website is willing to share with the reader.
It should be noted that child turned out — pure angel: huge, sky-blue eyes, beautiful curls... Not a boy — doll. Besides, developed. And he lives with his parents in the glorious city of natzrat Illit Upper Nazareth.
And now, the Summer garden walking, distracted child in some old lady, quite pious appearance, with a grunt perestraivaya on the bench. Parents have come forward and sociable, as all the five-year period, the boy stuck to Granny...
— Does that hurt, grandma? — asked the boy.
"Yes," answered the grandmother, — the old I, back ache, the legs do not go...
And sensing a sympathetic ear, the story about the ailments and sorrows. In the pause the boy had his great compassionate eyes and very sincerely said,
— Grandma, I want you never did not hurt!
Touched the old lady asks: "How are you so good?"
— From Nazareth, grandmother...
Grandma, rolling his eyes slid down the bench...
via izbrannoe.com/news/yumor/otkuda-zh-ty-takoy-khoroshiy-/