This man saved the gander 2 years ago, and that's how his life has changed
The man who does good will never remain unrewarded. Even if it is a good small, fluffy and yellow.
Website learned the story about such a man — American t-Shirt, Jivanji (Mike Jivanjee), who saved the gander.
When Mike was vacationing on the lake with friends, he observed Gosling, who could not swim.
He picked up the chick and decided to take care of him until he grows up.
Gosling turned out to be female. Mike called her Kayla, and for two years she accompanied him everywhere.
When the time came to let it out, Mike took her miles away from the city and released there.
But when he returned home, Kyle was waiting for him on the doorstep.
For two years Mike and myself very attached to the bird.
"Kyle is a smart and quite jealous," says Mike. — When I have a girl, she feels threatened and gives this to understand."
"During this time, I realized that Kyle is the most loyal friend you could ever want," says Mike.
Source CBS News
Photos on the preview kylethegoose,
CBS Evening News
According to the materials kylethegoose
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