Psychedelic nightlight Kinoko Mushroom Lamp

Of habit many people still hold on computer tables, near the monitors, small pots with cacti, ostensibly to protect against radiation. And never mind that all this information — myths and misconceptions. A living plant is a piece of nature close, and the eyes a rest, especially if the cactus gets blooming. For those who prefer to surround themselves with innovation and all sorts of gadgets, Japanese designers propose a compromise: desktop device Kinoko Mushroom Lamp, reminiscent of a mini-flowerbed.

However, flowerbed, he becomes the owner. Originally Kinoko Mushroom Lamp this table lamp night light, more like a mushroom farm, but its appearance can be changed by adding the mushrooms to the flowers and leaves included with the kit. Then the pot and turns into a bed, without ceasing to be a psychedelic night-light. Why is psychedelic? It will become clear, we need only wait for the evening and to connect the light to the USB port.

Source: /users/78
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