Since the mid-twentieth century originated as a method of treatment hippotherapy (therapeutic riding). Speaking about the healing effect out hippotherapy on the human body it must be remembered that it is not horse riding, but just riding. After all, any professional sport fraught with injury and requires special training of the person, in contrast to therapeutic riding.
About the benefits brought by the human body horse riding was known in ancient times. Modern research has shown a beneficial effect out hippotherapy on the musculoskeletal system, the circulatory, digestive, nervous, respiratory and endocrine systems. In addition, horse riding is a lovely offload from the stresses of our life and a lot of positive emotions. When practicing is also a great help should follow a relaxed pace riding. The person experiences a much smaller load on the ligament-articular apparatus, than when riding at a trot or gallop, but at the same time be involved in virtually all muscle groups of the human body.
It helps to strengthen back muscles and the formation of a "muscular corset" that supports the spine and relieves him of the burden. As a therapeutic riding does not require significant physical effort, it can be recommended for people in early rehabilitation period after diseases and operations, as well as those who lead a sedentary lifestyle, which, as we know, leads to the development of spine diseases.
The therapeutic effect out hippotherapy is based on a comprehensive impact riding on the body of the patient. The temperature of the horse is higher than the temperature of the person. Therefore when riding a horse warms and massages the muscles of his back sitting on her rider. This is a good incentive to improve circulation of a person. With a calm horse step the human body was forced to follow her movements.
Is a passive movement in the muscles, spine and joints. Thus we train the articular and muscular system, and the rider, in response do not require significant effort. Another plus — the classes of therapeutic horse riding take place outdoors, so a restorative effect on the body increases, additionally hippotherapy promotes hardening of the body and increase resistance to infection.
Source: /users/117

About the benefits brought by the human body horse riding was known in ancient times. Modern research has shown a beneficial effect out hippotherapy on the musculoskeletal system, the circulatory, digestive, nervous, respiratory and endocrine systems. In addition, horse riding is a lovely offload from the stresses of our life and a lot of positive emotions. When practicing is also a great help should follow a relaxed pace riding. The person experiences a much smaller load on the ligament-articular apparatus, than when riding at a trot or gallop, but at the same time be involved in virtually all muscle groups of the human body.

It helps to strengthen back muscles and the formation of a "muscular corset" that supports the spine and relieves him of the burden. As a therapeutic riding does not require significant physical effort, it can be recommended for people in early rehabilitation period after diseases and operations, as well as those who lead a sedentary lifestyle, which, as we know, leads to the development of spine diseases.

The therapeutic effect out hippotherapy is based on a comprehensive impact riding on the body of the patient. The temperature of the horse is higher than the temperature of the person. Therefore when riding a horse warms and massages the muscles of his back sitting on her rider. This is a good incentive to improve circulation of a person. With a calm horse step the human body was forced to follow her movements.

Is a passive movement in the muscles, spine and joints. Thus we train the articular and muscular system, and the rider, in response do not require significant effort. Another plus — the classes of therapeutic horse riding take place outdoors, so a restorative effect on the body increases, additionally hippotherapy promotes hardening of the body and increase resistance to infection.
Source: /users/117
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