Giant snails on the streets: an environmental installation in the French Angers

Giant slugs crawled through the streets of the French town of Angers. No – it's not a horror movie. This is another installation designer Florentijn Hofman, who gives joy to people with its unusual sculptures created from what yesterday was called garbage.

Last year, the French designer presented a giant duck from old car tires and huge rabbits out of floppy disks. This year the artist has gone further – he created a snail, crawling through the city streets, from the bags, made from recycled plastic. For one such environmental sculpture took him 20 thousand packages.

Each of the hairy snails (they become hairy because the wind is waving the bags in the wind) has length of 18 meters, 5 meters wide and 7.5 meters in height. Located snails on the stairs leading to the local Church.

Proponents of green lifestyles claim that the installation of Hoffman first raises the problem of ecology and calls for an end to the use of environmentally harmful plastic bags. But the author of the installation claims that his work should remind about death, about God, about the slow strangulation of the natural decomposition kommerzialisierung companies. "Giant snails moving lazily, slowly but surely... going to die," says the author of the installation.

Source: /users/78