Autonomous energy efficient eco-house from the Blue ridge mountains

This unusual floating eco-house Blue Ridge House is located in the U.S. state of Virginia on a farm with an area of 200 acres at the foot of the majestic Blue ridge mountains. The building is a 2-level asymmetric pavilion of glass. But the main feature of this luxury building is that its premises are heated and cooled with geothermal energy.

American House Blue Ridge is very similar to prefabricated houses that are very popular today in South Africa. By and large it consists of a steel frame and inserted into her glass. This design house has a lot of advantages, the main one with maximum natural light that enters the rooms of the house, allowing you to save energy of its inhabitants.

And do not think that during hot days in this house too hot. The project envisages building overhanging the roof, resembling a pagoda, which is provided to protect the building from excessive amounts of solar heat.

Thanks to the dozens of geothermal wells, which are located close to Blue Ridge House, this house is completely Autonomous from the energy point of view. Heating and air conditioning is constructed so that eco-house is independent from the national grid. It should be noted that during the construction of this eco-house was used only natural materials: stone, wood and other natural materials that retain heat, making the heating system of the house as efficient as possible.
Source: /users/78