Instagram launches web profiles
Instagram announced the launch of web profiles, full-fledged web pages to which you can access through the browser. Each profile includes the cover-a collage of recent photos of the user, the Follow button and a gallery of photos, ordered by date. When you hover on the photo you can see how she got comments and likes. Clicking on a photo opens a web viewer. "People have asked about this for a long time, — said CEO of Instagram Kevin SISTROM. — We're launching web profiles to give you an easy way to share your photos with more people and make finding new users on the Internet easier."
According to experts, the new Internet service Instagram is not enough search news feed to view recent photos, and the ability to upload photos. To view new uploaded pictures of your friends, will have to either enter a direct URL (for example instagram.com/john01) or click on the user profile in a post published to Twitter or Facebook. The design of the new profiles has obvious similarities with the Facebook page.
While Instagram was not the official site, there were projects such as Statigram and Webstagram. They offer features that the website does not yet have Instagram (search for photos, tags, etc.) But these sites only use the Instagram API to display the profile, but not allow you to upload photos.
It is unlikely the new Instagram website will allow you to upload photos from your computer, but feed the developers promise to run. "The news is what we consider", — said the representative of the company.
Source: /users/104

According to experts, the new Internet service Instagram is not enough search news feed to view recent photos, and the ability to upload photos. To view new uploaded pictures of your friends, will have to either enter a direct URL (for example instagram.com/john01) or click on the user profile in a post published to Twitter or Facebook. The design of the new profiles has obvious similarities with the Facebook page.
While Instagram was not the official site, there were projects such as Statigram and Webstagram. They offer features that the website does not yet have Instagram (search for photos, tags, etc.) But these sites only use the Instagram API to display the profile, but not allow you to upload photos.
It is unlikely the new Instagram website will allow you to upload photos from your computer, but feed the developers promise to run. "The news is what we consider", — said the representative of the company.

Source: /users/104