The sand sculpture festival
Each year in early summer on the coast of the Belgian town of Blankenberge is an amazing sand sculpture festival, which attracts to the town thousands of people.
Every year before the sculptors participating in the festival, is a new subject for art, the sculptures are not repeated and each time get something new. In 2012, the theme was children's stories and cartoons.
This time the festival was attended by 40 professional artists from around the world, won his sculptures shared space, 4 thousand square meters.
Blankenberghe interesting feature of the festival is the fact that the sculptures are created directly in front of everyone, out of the sand, which is complete at this beach — in fact, where before there was nothing, that very nothing grow entire cities.
There were 150 sand sculptures, each of which is much taller than a man. Their creation took overall more than 10 thousand tons of sand.
At night all sculptures are covered with special tents, turn on lights and visitors can walk now on a completely different fairy tales are much more realistic due to the unnatural lighting.
Source: /users/104

Every year before the sculptors participating in the festival, is a new subject for art, the sculptures are not repeated and each time get something new. In 2012, the theme was children's stories and cartoons.
This time the festival was attended by 40 professional artists from around the world, won his sculptures shared space, 4 thousand square meters.

Blankenberghe interesting feature of the festival is the fact that the sculptures are created directly in front of everyone, out of the sand, which is complete at this beach — in fact, where before there was nothing, that very nothing grow entire cities.
There were 150 sand sculptures, each of which is much taller than a man. Their creation took overall more than 10 thousand tons of sand.

At night all sculptures are covered with special tents, turn on lights and visitors can walk now on a completely different fairy tales are much more realistic due to the unnatural lighting.

Source: /users/104