Arenation: treatment of hot sand and joint diseases not only
Method of treatment using hot sand or arenation (from the Greek. Ramo — sand, therapeia – treatment) has been known since antiquity. Information about sand baths are available in the writings of Herodotus, Galen, and Avicenna. The therapeutic properties of the sand were widely used by the healers of Ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome.
In the late nineteenth century the treatment of hot sand became popular in Europe and Russia after a number of doctors (N. In. Pariiskii, N. P. Belyakovsky, E. A. Golovin, etc.) based on years of scientific research has published work on the use of natural sand baths in the treatment of various diseases. Since sand therapy began to be used in the resorts of the Black, Mediterranean and Baltic seas. Even away from the sea coasts opened samolechenie, where artificially heated sandtreated patients with rheumatoid joint diseases.
In the Soviet Union arenation along with balneotherapy was very popular in the Crimean health resorts, and these days it is practiced not only in sanatoria and health centres, but in SPA-salons. In many resort towns in the world there are special clinics, whose main focus is beskonechnie.
Arenation is based on the remarkable properties of the sand to retain heat and slowly give it to the surface of the human body. Dry hot sand has on the body the thermal and mechanical effects. Gradual and uniform heating of the body helps:
In the sand in addition to silica contain a large amount of carbonates of potassium, calcium and magnesium, which makes the total response of the sand is slightly alkaline. When connecting them later, which secretes the body covered with sand, on the skin formed a kind of carbon film, which helps increase oxygen delivery to the tissues, increase the rate of metabolic processes and skin rejuvenation.
The pressure of the sand stimulates the blood and lymph vessels. Sand baths are also a strong irritant to the nerve endings of the skin. Hot sand, anatomically facilitates part of the body that gently massages the skin and underlying tissues during a session arenation arenation the person experiences a feeling of pleasant warmth, relaxing rest, a soft sleepiness.
Long-term warming of the tissue and irritating the skin receptors, the hot sand causes a favorable response from the nervous, circulatory and other systems of the body and has on the body different physiological and therapeutic effects.
During the session arenation arenation the body temperature rises by 0.3 — 0.6 °C, heart rate speeds up at 6-12 beats per minute, blood pressure rises by 20-30 mm Hg, breathing quickens to 3-4 breaths per minute.
The function of the kidneys is facilitated by diverting blood to the skin, the amount of urine is reduced, its specific weight increases. It is established that under the influence of the sand baths are enhanced nitrogen metabolism and oxidative processes.
Under the action of hot sand improves the activity of the stomach and pancreas, increases bile secretion, relaxes muscles, resorption of scars and adhesions. Sand is also a good natural exfoliation, cleansing the skin from dead skin scales.
Sand baths, of course, best taken by prescription and under medical supervision in the General complex of sanatorium-resort treatment. However, if this is not possible, use a remedy that is literally under our feet, independently. Thus not to hurt yourself, you must follow certain rules.
Treatment with hot sand can be General and local.
Temperature General sand baths can be from 45 to 55 °C. If even on a Sunny day the sand on the surface wet and not hot, the session arenation arenation should not be pursued.
Duration total sand baths for adults and 30 for children over 4 years — 10-15 minutes. After the session, take a warm shower (36-37 °C) for half an hour and relax in the shade. In the next 2-3 hours to swim and sunbathe it is impossible!
Local sand baths if you dig in the sand a sore arm, leg, or only the joint, may take 1-1,5 hours daily.
Common sand baths are recommended to take a day or two days in a row, and the third to take a break. Treatment for adults is 15-20 for children — 10-12 procedures.
The appearance of palpitations, deterioration of health procedure should cease immediately and be put on the heart area of a cold compress.
Discomfort and dizziness after the first session arenation arenation should be taken as a signal to the body that this treatment is not suitable. In this case, beskonechnie should not continue to.
Treatment with hot sand can be carried out only in remission of the disease. When aggravation sessions arenation arenation in any case spends not!During menstruation and 2-3 days before it started, should refrain from taking sand baths.
Sand baths on the body are quite soft, which gives the opportunity to use them and children over three years of age, and the elderly. As well as in cases where contraindicated mud baths, as, for example, in cardiovascular diseases.
Useful purpose arenation arenation and in the following diseases:
The arenation used in the treatment of children with cerebral paralysis, exudative diathesis, allergies. Especially effective sand baths in rickets: after the course of treatment strengthens the muscles, restores the gastrointestinal tract, disappears anemic pallor.
Also interesting: Craniosacral therapy: a safe and painless rejuvenation
Su-Jok-therapy: a method of resuscitation
1. Malignant or benign tumors, and even suspected them.
2. Active forms of tuberculosis.
3. Bleeding and circulatory failure.
4. Marked atherosclerosis.
5. Epilepsy.
6. Hypertension.
7. Infectious diseases.
8. Decompensated heart disease.
9. Endometriosis, uterine fibroids, mastitis, hormonal dysfunction of ovaries.
10. Women during menstruation and three days before them.
11. Exacerbation or for any illness procedures can be performed only in the period of remission of the disease.published
The materials are for informational purposes. Remember, self-life-threatening, for advice regarding the use of any medicines and methods of treatment, contact your doctor.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/wall-23903469?w=wall-23903469_9052
In the late nineteenth century the treatment of hot sand became popular in Europe and Russia after a number of doctors (N. In. Pariiskii, N. P. Belyakovsky, E. A. Golovin, etc.) based on years of scientific research has published work on the use of natural sand baths in the treatment of various diseases. Since sand therapy began to be used in the resorts of the Black, Mediterranean and Baltic seas. Even away from the sea coasts opened samolechenie, where artificially heated sandtreated patients with rheumatoid joint diseases.

In the Soviet Union arenation along with balneotherapy was very popular in the Crimean health resorts, and these days it is practiced not only in sanatoria and health centres, but in SPA-salons. In many resort towns in the world there are special clinics, whose main focus is beskonechnie.
Arenation is based on the remarkable properties of the sand to retain heat and slowly give it to the surface of the human body. Dry hot sand has on the body the thermal and mechanical effects. Gradual and uniform heating of the body helps:
- vasodilatation,
- improve blood supply to the tissues and organs,
- to activate biochemical processes.
In the sand in addition to silica contain a large amount of carbonates of potassium, calcium and magnesium, which makes the total response of the sand is slightly alkaline. When connecting them later, which secretes the body covered with sand, on the skin formed a kind of carbon film, which helps increase oxygen delivery to the tissues, increase the rate of metabolic processes and skin rejuvenation.
The pressure of the sand stimulates the blood and lymph vessels. Sand baths are also a strong irritant to the nerve endings of the skin. Hot sand, anatomically facilitates part of the body that gently massages the skin and underlying tissues during a session arenation arenation the person experiences a feeling of pleasant warmth, relaxing rest, a soft sleepiness.
Long-term warming of the tissue and irritating the skin receptors, the hot sand causes a favorable response from the nervous, circulatory and other systems of the body and has on the body different physiological and therapeutic effects.
During the session arenation arenation the body temperature rises by 0.3 — 0.6 °C, heart rate speeds up at 6-12 beats per minute, blood pressure rises by 20-30 mm Hg, breathing quickens to 3-4 breaths per minute.
- has a soothing and decongestant action
- increases sweating, resulting in loss of superfluous weight of a body,
- stimulates regional circulation,
- stimulates heart activity,
- contributes to the normalization of renal function.
The function of the kidneys is facilitated by diverting blood to the skin, the amount of urine is reduced, its specific weight increases. It is established that under the influence of the sand baths are enhanced nitrogen metabolism and oxidative processes.
Under the action of hot sand improves the activity of the stomach and pancreas, increases bile secretion, relaxes muscles, resorption of scars and adhesions. Sand is also a good natural exfoliation, cleansing the skin from dead skin scales.

Sand baths, of course, best taken by prescription and under medical supervision in the General complex of sanatorium-resort treatment. However, if this is not possible, use a remedy that is literally under our feet, independently. Thus not to hurt yourself, you must follow certain rules.
Treatment with hot sand can be General and local.
- The General procedure is that the full poured heated sand, like covering a kind of thin sand blanket.
- Local sand baths solar heating is carried out in the same way as common, but exposure to expose only parts of the body (often the extremities, major joints, abdomen etc.).
- In the morning on the selected location, make a shallow notch, respectively its growth. When the sand heats up to a temperature of about 60 °C, carefully wipe body with a towel, the skin was dry, and lie back into the prepared recess. The head should always be in the shadows. For this purpose, you can use an umbrella, awning or other artificial canopy. For convenience, put your head under a rubber ring or dry folded several times a towel, and his forehead is dampened with cool water tissue, which needs to be changed as soon as it heats up.
- Ask someone around you to give you a layer of hot sand thickness of 5 — 6 cm On the stomach, this layer should not exceed 1 — 2 cm, and the legs and arms can reach up to 8-10 cm the chest should remain open.
Temperature General sand baths can be from 45 to 55 °C. If even on a Sunny day the sand on the surface wet and not hot, the session arenation arenation should not be pursued.
Duration total sand baths for adults and 30 for children over 4 years — 10-15 minutes. After the session, take a warm shower (36-37 °C) for half an hour and relax in the shade. In the next 2-3 hours to swim and sunbathe it is impossible!
Local sand baths if you dig in the sand a sore arm, leg, or only the joint, may take 1-1,5 hours daily.
Common sand baths are recommended to take a day or two days in a row, and the third to take a break. Treatment for adults is 15-20 for children — 10-12 procedures.

The appearance of palpitations, deterioration of health procedure should cease immediately and be put on the heart area of a cold compress.
Discomfort and dizziness after the first session arenation arenation should be taken as a signal to the body that this treatment is not suitable. In this case, beskonechnie should not continue to.
Treatment with hot sand can be carried out only in remission of the disease. When aggravation sessions arenation arenation in any case spends not!During menstruation and 2-3 days before it started, should refrain from taking sand baths.
Sand baths on the body are quite soft, which gives the opportunity to use them and children over three years of age, and the elderly. As well as in cases where contraindicated mud baths, as, for example, in cardiovascular diseases.
Useful purpose arenation arenation and in the following diseases:
- chronic nephritis;
- exudative diathesis;
- diseases of the joints;
- diseases of the respiratory system;
- diseases of the peripheral nervous system;
- the effects of rickets and polio;
- some gynecological diseases;
- overweight.
The arenation used in the treatment of children with cerebral paralysis, exudative diathesis, allergies. Especially effective sand baths in rickets: after the course of treatment strengthens the muscles, restores the gastrointestinal tract, disappears anemic pallor.
Also interesting: Craniosacral therapy: a safe and painless rejuvenation
Su-Jok-therapy: a method of resuscitation
1. Malignant or benign tumors, and even suspected them.
2. Active forms of tuberculosis.
3. Bleeding and circulatory failure.
4. Marked atherosclerosis.
5. Epilepsy.
6. Hypertension.
7. Infectious diseases.
8. Decompensated heart disease.
9. Endometriosis, uterine fibroids, mastitis, hormonal dysfunction of ovaries.
10. Women during menstruation and three days before them.
11. Exacerbation or for any illness procedures can be performed only in the period of remission of the disease.published
The materials are for informational purposes. Remember, self-life-threatening, for advice regarding the use of any medicines and methods of treatment, contact your doctor.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/wall-23903469?w=wall-23903469_9052
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