This plant cleans the joints and cures the intestinal infection!
No doubt, Bay leaf and spicy flavour is familiar to all without exception. It's hard to imagine soup or aspic without this spice. But good Housewives know that Bay leaves are used not only in cooking but also for the prevention and treatment of many diseases, including for the joints. It turns out that the beneficial properties of this plant since ancient times used in folk treatment and cleaning of the joints. Consider the most effective and efficient methods and recipes.
Bay leaf and its useful properties for the jointsFirst appeared this spice on the Mediterranean coast. Today there can be found several varieties of Laurel trees and wild shrubs. Collect leaves in the autumn-winter period. Suitable only for those plants, whose age not less than 3 years. Bay leaf has a long shelf life (several years) in dry conditions.
Twenty nine million five hundred thirty three thousand two hundred forty four
Composed of Laurel leaves are:
Bay leaf can relieve the pain when you lose any of the joints in the body people's treatment Bay leaf found wide application in various diseases. For example, decoctions and infusions based on the plants trying to treat the intestinal infection, inflammation of the urogenital tract, osteochondrosis, polyarthritis, metabolic disorders, diabetes, acute respiratory disease, etc.
There are also several recipes for treatment of joints Lavrushka. At their core is the ability of plants to excrete salts, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. It should be noted that the popular treatment of the joints Bay leaf is used from ancient times and very successfully. Often it is a medicinal decoction or infusion, and the therapeutic course can be supplemented with ointment.
A decoction of Bay leafFor the preparation of medicinal decoction for joints you will need:
20-30 dry Laurel leaves; 4 cups of water. Leaves to place in a small saucepan and cover with cold water. Then put the container on the stove and bring to a boil. Boil the decoction should not more than 5 minutes.
Importantly! During the boil, leave the pan open. This is necessary in order for plant material to remove some essential oils, which have a negative impact on the kidneys.
Then the broth remove from heat and wrap in a warm cloth or pour into a thermos. To insist you need a minimum of three hours and maximum overnight. Judging by the reviews of patients, the second option is more effective for joints.
After the broth has rested, it needs to drain, and leaves to throw away. Everything. The recipe is ready to eat.
Drink the medicine you need during the day. To use all at once is not recommended, as there is a danger of internal bleeding. The course of therapy is 3 days. For this you must daily prepare a fresh drug. After taking a break for 20 days and repeat treatment.
With the preventive purpose it is enough 3 courses per year, and if your joints need treatment, then repeat the reception Bay of a decoction 2 times in six months.
Tincture of Bay leavesIf you compare with a decoction, tincture has a milder action and is best suited for the prevention of joint damage. In addition, to the infusion add honey, which greatly improves the taste of medicines.
For infusion you'll need:
10 sheets (suitable for both fresh and dry); 3 cups boiling water; 2 teaspoons of honey. Leaves pour boiling water, cover the dishes (better to take an enamel pan). You need to insist for 3 hours. Then strain the infusion and add honey. You need to drink half a Cup 3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 3 days. After 2 weeks the treatment is repeated.
Forty four million two hundred fifty nine thousand five hundred seventy six
In the Bay broth, you can add honey and lemon to taste
Ointment of LavrushkaTreatment of joints Bay leaf is complete and the ointment. In this case, it is possible to obtain a comprehensive result. For the preparation of a Laurel ointment for joints you will need:
dry Bay leaves; butter. The leaves crush in a blender and combine with butter at room temperature. Then the therapeutic composition warm on a water bath. After cooling the ointment to the head. The composition can be rubbed into painful joints 2 times a day for 2 weeks.
Contraindications to treatmentIt is important to remember that, despite the fact that treatment of joints with Lavrushka and refers to folk medicine, but these prescriptions also have their contraindications. These include:
Everyone who decided to try traditional recipes based on the Bay leaf, keep in mind these rules and guidelines:
During treatment should abandon alcohol. During the course of treatment is best to stick to a vegetarian diet is to increase the effectiveness of therapy. It is strictly forbidden to use these recipes for people with ulcers and kidney disease. Do not exceed the dose stated above. Otherwise you may get internal bleeding. And most importantly – in any case do not abandon other methods of treatment of articular pathology. A good effect can be achieved only using a comprehensive approach to therapy. Also, before to experience this or that, consult with your doctor to rule out possible contraindications. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: moyaspina.ru/medikamenty/kak-primenyat-lavrovyy-list-lecheniya-sustavov
Bay leaf and its useful properties for the jointsFirst appeared this spice on the Mediterranean coast. Today there can be found several varieties of Laurel trees and wild shrubs. Collect leaves in the autumn-winter period. Suitable only for those plants, whose age not less than 3 years. Bay leaf has a long shelf life (several years) in dry conditions.
Twenty nine million five hundred thirty three thousand two hundred forty four
Composed of Laurel leaves are:
- essential oils, thanks to which we are enjoying the wonderful flavor, in addition they possess good anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action;
- volatile contribute to the excretion of toxins, salts, toxic substances, and provides purification;
- useful minerals – sodium, potassium, zinc, calcium, magnesium, selenium that enhance immunity;
- vitamins – A, PP, C and b;
- organic acids — Caproic, Valerian and acetic;
- tannins, which help relieve swelling and inflammation.
Bay leaf can relieve the pain when you lose any of the joints in the body people's treatment Bay leaf found wide application in various diseases. For example, decoctions and infusions based on the plants trying to treat the intestinal infection, inflammation of the urogenital tract, osteochondrosis, polyarthritis, metabolic disorders, diabetes, acute respiratory disease, etc.
There are also several recipes for treatment of joints Lavrushka. At their core is the ability of plants to excrete salts, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. It should be noted that the popular treatment of the joints Bay leaf is used from ancient times and very successfully. Often it is a medicinal decoction or infusion, and the therapeutic course can be supplemented with ointment.
A decoction of Bay leafFor the preparation of medicinal decoction for joints you will need:
20-30 dry Laurel leaves; 4 cups of water. Leaves to place in a small saucepan and cover with cold water. Then put the container on the stove and bring to a boil. Boil the decoction should not more than 5 minutes.
Importantly! During the boil, leave the pan open. This is necessary in order for plant material to remove some essential oils, which have a negative impact on the kidneys.
Then the broth remove from heat and wrap in a warm cloth or pour into a thermos. To insist you need a minimum of three hours and maximum overnight. Judging by the reviews of patients, the second option is more effective for joints.
After the broth has rested, it needs to drain, and leaves to throw away. Everything. The recipe is ready to eat.
Drink the medicine you need during the day. To use all at once is not recommended, as there is a danger of internal bleeding. The course of therapy is 3 days. For this you must daily prepare a fresh drug. After taking a break for 20 days and repeat treatment.
With the preventive purpose it is enough 3 courses per year, and if your joints need treatment, then repeat the reception Bay of a decoction 2 times in six months.
Tincture of Bay leavesIf you compare with a decoction, tincture has a milder action and is best suited for the prevention of joint damage. In addition, to the infusion add honey, which greatly improves the taste of medicines.
For infusion you'll need:
10 sheets (suitable for both fresh and dry); 3 cups boiling water; 2 teaspoons of honey. Leaves pour boiling water, cover the dishes (better to take an enamel pan). You need to insist for 3 hours. Then strain the infusion and add honey. You need to drink half a Cup 3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 3 days. After 2 weeks the treatment is repeated.
Forty four million two hundred fifty nine thousand five hundred seventy six
In the Bay broth, you can add honey and lemon to taste
Ointment of LavrushkaTreatment of joints Bay leaf is complete and the ointment. In this case, it is possible to obtain a comprehensive result. For the preparation of a Laurel ointment for joints you will need:
dry Bay leaves; butter. The leaves crush in a blender and combine with butter at room temperature. Then the therapeutic composition warm on a water bath. After cooling the ointment to the head. The composition can be rubbed into painful joints 2 times a day for 2 weeks.
Contraindications to treatmentIt is important to remember that, despite the fact that treatment of joints with Lavrushka and refers to folk medicine, but these prescriptions also have their contraindications. These include:
- ulcers disease stomach and duodenal ulcers;
- inflammation of the gallbladder and stones in it;
- chronic pancreatitis;
- kidney disease;
- pregnancy and breast-feeding;
- the tendency to constipation, hemorrhoids, anal fissure.
Everyone who decided to try traditional recipes based on the Bay leaf, keep in mind these rules and guidelines:
During treatment should abandon alcohol. During the course of treatment is best to stick to a vegetarian diet is to increase the effectiveness of therapy. It is strictly forbidden to use these recipes for people with ulcers and kidney disease. Do not exceed the dose stated above. Otherwise you may get internal bleeding. And most importantly – in any case do not abandon other methods of treatment of articular pathology. A good effect can be achieved only using a comprehensive approach to therapy. Also, before to experience this or that, consult with your doctor to rule out possible contraindications. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: moyaspina.ru/medikamenty/kak-primenyat-lavrovyy-list-lecheniya-sustavov