Young readers
Baby explores the world with his family, discovers the structure of his dwelling, is his first stage of socialization — understanding the essence of things, of life, development of our human life. A book or a small mom's stories can help a lot. Subjects for these mom's stories are going to become events in the life of a child: how collected, how they ate porridge, played with daddy, helping mommy pick up toys.
Uncomplicated and very understandable history fix in the mind the crumbs not only the event itself and its attributes, but the words denoting them. The kid looks at what happened to him from the side, is learning to distinguish the stages of what is happening (first plate got, then it porridge put, then took the spoon, etc.). So works and tale, rhyme or poteshka, only in the perception of the baby is woven into the imagery, i.e. the imagination starts working, fantasy. Such works can be applied to virtually all maternal folklore. Mom's, grandma's or nanoskin nursery rhymes, sayings and jokes serve as the first textbooks, which baby is exploring the structure of the body, the life of his family.
And the very first book-baby, the pictures which depict various objects and animals, we need the kids in order to consolidate and extend the ideas about the surrounding world, to accumulate vocabulary. This and names of various objects (tools, furniture, clothes, etc.), and names of domestic and wild animals, birds, plants, names of colors, symbols, sizes and volumes. Indispensable for the development of observation riddles, fables that are taught to see the features of objects, to compare objects of a particular characteristic in the form of a game, after all, the main way of understanding the world for kids is a game.
If the baby failed to guess a riddle — look for the answer together, observe and compare objects, tell stories, riddles and stories themselves.
Source: /users/117
Uncomplicated and very understandable history fix in the mind the crumbs not only the event itself and its attributes, but the words denoting them. The kid looks at what happened to him from the side, is learning to distinguish the stages of what is happening (first plate got, then it porridge put, then took the spoon, etc.). So works and tale, rhyme or poteshka, only in the perception of the baby is woven into the imagery, i.e. the imagination starts working, fantasy. Such works can be applied to virtually all maternal folklore. Mom's, grandma's or nanoskin nursery rhymes, sayings and jokes serve as the first textbooks, which baby is exploring the structure of the body, the life of his family.
And the very first book-baby, the pictures which depict various objects and animals, we need the kids in order to consolidate and extend the ideas about the surrounding world, to accumulate vocabulary. This and names of various objects (tools, furniture, clothes, etc.), and names of domestic and wild animals, birds, plants, names of colors, symbols, sizes and volumes. Indispensable for the development of observation riddles, fables that are taught to see the features of objects, to compare objects of a particular characteristic in the form of a game, after all, the main way of understanding the world for kids is a game.
If the baby failed to guess a riddle — look for the answer together, observe and compare objects, tell stories, riddles and stories themselves.
Source: /users/117