Plastic bottles as a building material: the pavilion, the cloud for the festival, FIGMENT

Another FIGMENT festival, which traditionally takes place in new York where designers and architects submit their most "green" development will not take place until 2013, but today it is the most active preparation – after several months of discussion, work began on the construction of the main pavilion of plastic bottles.

The organizers of the festival believe that "Head in the clouds", the name given to a pavilion made from plastic bottles will become one of the most "green" exhibits of the festival. Pavilion "Head in the clouds" located on the grassy hill. On the outside it looks like a huge fluffy cloud, however, when visitors enter it, they see over a blue sky. That's what a bottle of blue plastic, filled with water.

The frame of the pavilion is made of light aluminum tubes. With local schools already signed a contract that the students will collect plastic bottles and milk jugs. Only according to preliminary estimates it is necessary to collect 53780 bottles. All bottles and jugs will connect 120 pillows, which are then combined to give the pavilion the cloud. In each bottle will be poured water with blue dye to the arches of the pavilion as much as possible like the sky. Entering this pavilion, we can really dive into the clouds and nurture their dreams once under two heavenly vaults – artificial and real.
Source: /users/276