White lion is not a legend
However, in 1975, two researchers-enthusiasts found on the open savannahs of three white lion cubs. Their joy knew no bounds, it is for them and had organized the expedition.
Kids placed in protective custody, hoping that they will be able to increase the number of these wonderful animals. Hopes were not in vain, and today there are as many as 300 white lions, most of whom live in the South-West of Africa in a huge reserve Sanbona. Of course, the number 300 is not much on a global scale, but not small, considering how it all began.
The largest zoos are ready to pay more to become owners of these cute predators. Rumor has it that the cost of one of the white lion sometimes reaches 138 thousand dollars, but this does not stop lovers of the exotic.
When long ago the dark spirits sent against the people of a terrible curse and smote them terrible disease. Pleaded poor, remembered their gods, and had compassion on them bright heaven. To earth went the divine messenger — a White lion who taught people how to get rid of the hated ailments, and promised that he would continue to protect them. And when there will come a terrible time, he will return and save his beloved children.
Since then, the peoples of the Black continent, especially the residents Timbavati revere this animal. They got upset when the white men came with guns and began to ruthlessly exterminate the white lions, as if encroaching on the very Africa.
Source: /users/155

Kids placed in protective custody, hoping that they will be able to increase the number of these wonderful animals. Hopes were not in vain, and today there are as many as 300 white lions, most of whom live in the South-West of Africa in a huge reserve Sanbona. Of course, the number 300 is not much on a global scale, but not small, considering how it all began.

The largest zoos are ready to pay more to become owners of these cute predators. Rumor has it that the cost of one of the white lion sometimes reaches 138 thousand dollars, but this does not stop lovers of the exotic.

When long ago the dark spirits sent against the people of a terrible curse and smote them terrible disease. Pleaded poor, remembered their gods, and had compassion on them bright heaven. To earth went the divine messenger — a White lion who taught people how to get rid of the hated ailments, and promised that he would continue to protect them. And when there will come a terrible time, he will return and save his beloved children.

Since then, the peoples of the Black continent, especially the residents Timbavati revere this animal. They got upset when the white men came with guns and began to ruthlessly exterminate the white lions, as if encroaching on the very Africa.
Source: /users/155