Medication during pregnancy
Pregnant women are contraindicated to take medication without a doctor's permission. Scientists from America have proved that taking painkillers increases the risk of severe fetal defects and fetal development, namely syndrom amniotic constrictions, congenital amputations, lack of eye.
Experts at Boston University interviewed 15 thousand women whose children have congenital malformations, and 5.5 thousand mothers raising healthy children. Scientists first wondered, had these women during pregnancy prescription drugs (including nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs — aspirin, naproxen and ibuprofen). Connection between taking these drugs and the appearance of all the 29 birth defects recorded in these children, researchers have found. And a certain relationship between the individual anomalies and medication can be traced.
The risk of having a child with a 'cleft palate' in women taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs during pregnancy increases by 30-80%, the probability of having a child with spina bifida — 60%, the risk of anophthalmia — three times. About 5% of congenital anomalies associated with the action of drugs. 30% due to the influence of biological, physical, chemical factors of environment, 65% is the result of the combined effects of all these factors. According to international studies 85% of women throughout pregnancy take an average of three medicines: antibacterial, Antianemic drugs and analgesics.
Source: /users/147
Experts at Boston University interviewed 15 thousand women whose children have congenital malformations, and 5.5 thousand mothers raising healthy children. Scientists first wondered, had these women during pregnancy prescription drugs (including nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs — aspirin, naproxen and ibuprofen). Connection between taking these drugs and the appearance of all the 29 birth defects recorded in these children, researchers have found. And a certain relationship between the individual anomalies and medication can be traced.
The risk of having a child with a 'cleft palate' in women taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs during pregnancy increases by 30-80%, the probability of having a child with spina bifida — 60%, the risk of anophthalmia — three times. About 5% of congenital anomalies associated with the action of drugs. 30% due to the influence of biological, physical, chemical factors of environment, 65% is the result of the combined effects of all these factors. According to international studies 85% of women throughout pregnancy take an average of three medicines: antibacterial, Antianemic drugs and analgesics.
Source: /users/147