Scientists have decided that the end of the world is canceled
After the latest news, the end of the world comes almost every year or when a mystical date may coincide on the calendar. Frightened people begin to stock up on food, seek shelter and think that the most valuable things to take away from home. Archaeologists in Gvantemala have found a calendar of the Mayan civilization, which says that the world will still exist at least seven thousand years. The calendar was discovered by scientists in the northern part of the country in the house of a Mayan scribe. Astronomical tables painted on walls that were brought together in the 9th century AD. The tables described the solar and lunar year, as well as cyclical changes in the motion of Venus and Mars.
The tables resemble the intervals of monthly cycles (synodic months) - a number of complex mathematical calculations that are directly related to astronomy. Prior to this, such calculations were known only from the Dresden Codex - Mayan manuscripts dating from the 14th-15th centuries. Interesting frescoes were discovered by archaeologists on three surviving walls of the house. The north wall was decorated with a portrait of the monarch who ruled this part of the state at the time. The cult of personality at all times had its meaning, for the leader prayed and every morning met with a look at the images in his own house.
There is no explanation as to why the Maya recorded these calculations. There is speculation that it could be a school building, where students wrote on paper, and the inscriptions on the wall acted as a “visual aid”. Scientists note that the last days in any of the Mayan calendars should not be considered as the time of the end of the world.
We can breathe a sigh of relief that there is still a lot of time before the end of the world and there is a time to finish your work. Why seek the end of time, the Maya sought to “get” a guarantee that nothing would change. They had a very different mentality. Human curiosity has no limits, but first the moment must come to decide whether to fear tomorrow or simply enjoy the day today. So forget about the rush of life, look around and stop looking for the end date. Sooner or later, she will make herself known, so why waste precious time on such nonsense?
Source: /users/147
The tables resemble the intervals of monthly cycles (synodic months) - a number of complex mathematical calculations that are directly related to astronomy. Prior to this, such calculations were known only from the Dresden Codex - Mayan manuscripts dating from the 14th-15th centuries. Interesting frescoes were discovered by archaeologists on three surviving walls of the house. The north wall was decorated with a portrait of the monarch who ruled this part of the state at the time. The cult of personality at all times had its meaning, for the leader prayed and every morning met with a look at the images in his own house.
There is no explanation as to why the Maya recorded these calculations. There is speculation that it could be a school building, where students wrote on paper, and the inscriptions on the wall acted as a “visual aid”. Scientists note that the last days in any of the Mayan calendars should not be considered as the time of the end of the world.
We can breathe a sigh of relief that there is still a lot of time before the end of the world and there is a time to finish your work. Why seek the end of time, the Maya sought to “get” a guarantee that nothing would change. They had a very different mentality. Human curiosity has no limits, but first the moment must come to decide whether to fear tomorrow or simply enjoy the day today. So forget about the rush of life, look around and stop looking for the end date. Sooner or later, she will make herself known, so why waste precious time on such nonsense?
Source: /users/147