How gold formed in nature?
Scientists from Australia said that the earthquake contributes to turning water into gold.
During the study of the processes that occurred with the liquid in the cracks of the fault during earthquakes, scientists have discovered a surprising fact.
It turned out that when the rock moves along a fault line pressure high enough inside the stones falls to atmospheric, the liquid evaporates. And the minerals that were contained in the solution, kristallizuetsya on the rock surface.
"On one fault, only one year can occur thousands and even hundreds of thousands of minor earthquakes. What can we say, for hundreds of thousands of years you can get an unimaginable amount of this noble metal", — said the author of the research scientist Dion Weatherly.
As a reminder, overall for the year 2012 on Earth were produced about 163 thousand tons of gold.
Source: /users/413
During the study of the processes that occurred with the liquid in the cracks of the fault during earthquakes, scientists have discovered a surprising fact.
It turned out that when the rock moves along a fault line pressure high enough inside the stones falls to atmospheric, the liquid evaporates. And the minerals that were contained in the solution, kristallizuetsya on the rock surface.
"On one fault, only one year can occur thousands and even hundreds of thousands of minor earthquakes. What can we say, for hundreds of thousands of years you can get an unimaginable amount of this noble metal", — said the author of the research scientist Dion Weatherly.
As a reminder, overall for the year 2012 on Earth were produced about 163 thousand tons of gold.
Source: /users/413