Designs for toilets that could save millions of people on the planet
Hard to imagine, but today about 40% of the world population does not have access to sanitation. In most developing countries the installation of sewage due to problems with finances, and this in turn becomes the cause of serious infectious diseases suffered by millions of people. Scientists say that this problem of unsanitary conditions in "third world countries" will solve the creation of toilets, which need not be connected to sewer.
On the planet dying every day 7500 due to the lack of proper sanitation, and 5,000 of them children under the age of 5 years. Today from unsanitary conditions more people die than malaria, measles and HIV combined. Epidemiologists pay special attention to widespread installation in the developed countries of the toilets, which will allow, in their opinion, solve the problem of poor sanitation.
Loowatt – the waterless toilet, it turns human waste into biofuel. Toilet 90% made from horse manure and has a biodegradable waterproof tank in which the excrement does not spread odor. Urine, which entered the toilet, it becomes a biofuel for cooking. Author – designer Virginia Gardiner.
Eco-urinals installed to date in the Uganda capital city Kampala, where one toilet is passed for 1000 people. The design of the urinal is an adaptable funnel is provided, which is connected with the canister, where urine is converted into high quality fertilizer. The cost of such a toilet only $3. Author — Sarah Kell.
Source: /users/413
On the planet dying every day 7500 due to the lack of proper sanitation, and 5,000 of them children under the age of 5 years. Today from unsanitary conditions more people die than malaria, measles and HIV combined. Epidemiologists pay special attention to widespread installation in the developed countries of the toilets, which will allow, in their opinion, solve the problem of poor sanitation.
Loowatt – the waterless toilet, it turns human waste into biofuel. Toilet 90% made from horse manure and has a biodegradable waterproof tank in which the excrement does not spread odor. Urine, which entered the toilet, it becomes a biofuel for cooking. Author – designer Virginia Gardiner.
Eco-urinals installed to date in the Uganda capital city Kampala, where one toilet is passed for 1000 people. The design of the urinal is an adaptable funnel is provided, which is connected with the canister, where urine is converted into high quality fertilizer. The cost of such a toilet only $3. Author — Sarah Kell.

Source: /users/413