A unique attraction for the daring was built at the height of 3842 meters
In the Alps for tourists can experience an unusual attraction. If you enter in a glass cabin, which is located over a precipice three thousand feet up, you can feel like a bird and see the wonderful scenery.
Fifty one million five hundred seventy one thousand eight hundred thirty eight
Fifty million five hundred thirteen thousand seven hundred seven
Sixteen million nine hundred forty five thousand three hundred fifteen
The cabin was made of laminated safety glass — glass floors, glass walls and ceiling. Inexpressible feeling, according to skiers who already visited there. The first thing the inexperienced height fans weak knees and you have a heady sensation of flying.
Twenty three million four hundred two thousand two hundred eighty one
Fifty two million eight hundred sixty four thousand seven hundred eighty seven
Fifty five million four hundred eighty nine thousand nine hundred thirty two
The glass cube can withstand wind speed of over 220 km/h and a temperature of 60 degrees.
This attraction became a part of the updated tourist complex on top of mount Aiguille du Midi, it is in the Mont Blanc massif near Chamonix, in the South-East of France. You can go up there by cable car. The cost of the ticket in the glass cockpit is 55 euros.
With three of the most terrifying rides in the world You can find here.
Source: /users/413
Fifty one million five hundred seventy one thousand eight hundred thirty eight
Fifty million five hundred thirteen thousand seven hundred seven
Sixteen million nine hundred forty five thousand three hundred fifteen
The cabin was made of laminated safety glass — glass floors, glass walls and ceiling. Inexpressible feeling, according to skiers who already visited there. The first thing the inexperienced height fans weak knees and you have a heady sensation of flying.
Twenty three million four hundred two thousand two hundred eighty one
Fifty two million eight hundred sixty four thousand seven hundred eighty seven
Fifty five million four hundred eighty nine thousand nine hundred thirty two
The glass cube can withstand wind speed of over 220 km/h and a temperature of 60 degrees.
This attraction became a part of the updated tourist complex on top of mount Aiguille du Midi, it is in the Mont Blanc massif near Chamonix, in the South-East of France. You can go up there by cable car. The cost of the ticket in the glass cockpit is 55 euros.
With three of the most terrifying rides in the world You can find here.
Source: /users/413
Cuckoos have forced songbirds to render each other assistance
Volcanic thunderstorm reproduced in the laboratory