Under the London plan to build an underground farm in metro

In Central London are insanely high rents. People who decide to grow there vegetables need something more original approach the search space. We already wrote about the urban farm from the container. Today we will talk about how Richard Ballard (Richard Ballard) and Steven Dring (Steven Dring), the founders of Zero Carbon Food, came up with an unusual solution.

One of the new branches of the London underground does not lead no where. But it is possible to grow vegetables. Under fluorescent lights, on the basis of aquaponics. Ballard and Dring, farmers new wave, expect to start operation of his farm in March. Very convenient that there are plenty of restaurants — this shortens the path of food from the garden to the table.

The farm applies the technique of aquaponics. We wrote about it in the article about the farm from a container (see above), so here we present only a small quote from there:
Necessary for the growth of vegetables nutrients out of the water. These nutrients are released into the water by the fish or originate from microbial decomposition of the remains. Thus, the water cleans itself daily, as toxic to fish substances, processed by bacteria into a useful, well absorbed by the root system of plants.

The area of the farm is 2.5 acres. The founders of the project hope that the fact that the farm is located in the tunnel, will significantly save on heating / cooling costs. Temperature of 16°C remains constant throughout the year. There [well, still, would, in the tunnel-that there is no harmful insects. The air is filtered, that is, all growing in a clean environment. The farm will grow peas, broccoli, mustard and Basil. Naturally without the use of pesticides (and it is clear: no insects; growing only what is planted).

Richard and Stephen came up with his idea two years ago. "It is very important to find a place for the cultivation of greenery in the city. We are very happy that you are going to make it a reality"
Source: thinkgreen.ru