How to make a wind turbine out of washing machine

The researcher of the means of survival, a YouTube user Buddhanz1 told how to do the windmill from the motor of the washing machine. He described his method in a detailed video with clear recommendations to those who want to benefit from any garbage in the house, says Sleuth.
In the distant or even near future after some ecological disasters or world wars we will have to learn how to create energy sources from what we can find. Presentation of the process of turning the motor with the content of the copper wire in the generator is truly amazing. Everyone can understand how this video helps us to detect additional benefits of parts of home appliances.

Any washing machine can turn into a windmill, and copper wire will help to convert wind energy into electricity. Also from the motor can make a water mill or engine on biogas – and this video tells us how.
Source: energysafe.ru
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