Incredible metal sculptures by Tom Samui
For more than a decade, Swiss artist Tom Samui has been passionate about creating interesting sculptures.
These aren't just sculptures, especially when you consider the materials that Tom makes of. He finds working material in car dumps. Together with his assistants, once a month he gets out to the scrapyard of auto parts.
Everything that has been collected goes into work. Not a single detail is thrown away - everything is cleaned, polished and covered with a special varnish. According to Tom, each sculpture takes an average of 400 hours. And magic happens – incredible sculptures of elephants, dragons, magical creatures and militant heroes are born from car junk.
All cultures are large enough - about 2 meters high, but sometimes giants are found - for example, a full-length dinosaur. Yes, unlike Edurd Martine with his "jewelry" insects, Tom Saumi is not petty.
This unusual hobby brings not only true pleasure to the whole team, but is also a great source of income, as sculptures are so popular that they are quickly sold out.
Source: prointeresnoe.ru/
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