Negative effects of gadgets on kids

Some parents believe that any form of modern technology for children, especially for small— bad idea. Other parents insist that the process gives our children resources for education and entertainment, which they did not have when they were growing up.

Disputes pererastayut in a mini-war between supporters of the restrictions and lovers of technological progress, advanced enough to appreciate it. It's sad, because it is not so clear. Most of us have experienced the positive aspects of technology.

We use them to relax, chat, learn new things, compose music, and much more. Moderately, useful gadgets. The problem is that parents and children today have extended far beyond the moderate use of technology. In today's world, the average child uses screens for 9 hours a day. Worse, many parents do not see any problems. Such alarming facts related to children and technology can provide for their social, physical, and emotional danger.

Source: /users/1077