Transform ordinary suburban area in the English garden
Garden in the English style can be called "landscape classic", it needs to create the impression of the garden of the old HOMESTEAD. Despite the "noble" origin of this style of garden is well suited for the design of the suburban area. Organic will be the choice of this style, if you have a plot in the forest or at the forest edge, or is it damp lowland area, there are large forest trees, and also, if the area is predominantly shady. The shape of the plot can be any, but the best option if some of the boundaries of the garden will be "wrong". The best plot size for this style is 10 acres or more.
House on a plot of this style should not be evident, the walls would be good to use for vertical gardening. Perfect for this girlish grapes. The Foundation of the English garden is the lawn or several lawns connected to each other. The lawns are so popular that they "do" even tracks. Of course, for these paths we need to spread the mixture, the most resistant to trampling.
Along the perimeter of the lawn is usually planted with ornamental trees and shrubs, but they can also be fruit. A traditional element – a pond landscape, especially beautiful overgrown. Best of all beside him will look of a weeping willow. Well, additionally, the pond is better to decorate with perennials growing at the shoreline: reed Mace, forget-me-nots, globe-flower, or marigold. Perfect styling will make Siberian irises, sedges and reeds.
The most suitable for English gardens, trees with weeping and pyramidal crown. Flowers in the English garden a bit. The basic principle of bright flowers planted only near the house, and the rest of the preferable low-key, with mostly perennials, in appearance resembling a "natural" plants. However, the English garden is unthinkable without rose here is quite appropriate their whole collection, including groundcover, and climbing, and suitable companions for them will be the delphinium and Foxglove.In this style many moseni. For some of them, for a more complete styling and decorating, you can use ceramic tiles "handmade" that you will paint themselves with colors for ceramics. Put it in some places among the brick or stone walls. If you want to decorate so heavily used track, you need to use tiles for the floor.
The unusual layout of the English garden:the House is located in the heart of the site or hidden behind trees. Sculptures must be clearly visible. Gazebos are placed on the intersection of the tracks. The whole garden is not visible immediately.
Decorative and fruit trees planted around the perimeter of the lawn.
The lawn should be visible from all views points of the plot. Respect for old trees, they are included in the layout.
Color scheme:
The basic garden color green, and more shades. Use plants with silvery, light green, light green and dark green foliage.
Plants English style:
Trees: hazel, larch, chestnut, birch, oak, Rowan.
Shrubs: lilac, mock orange, dogwood, Euonymus.
Perennials and flowers: rodgersia, ferns, Hosta, common rhubarb, saxifrage, Columbine, roses, delphinium, Foxglove, Phlox, onion giant and common wormwood, cattails, forget-me-nots, globe flower, marigold, Siberian irises, sedges and reeds.
Accessories style:
Benches: wooden, wrought iron or stone. The location of the benches under the trees, on the catwalks, on retaining walls. Small and low podiums of stone or tile "under a rock". Antiques.
Inclusions of ceramic tiles to decorate the tracks. Containers − pots on one leg.
1-2 of sculpture of the classical type. It is acceptable to have 2-3 "colonial" accessory in Chinese, or African styles.
Requirements phase:
The best plot size for this style is 12 acres or more. Best of all, if the land is in the forest or at the forest edge. Desirable on a large plot of forest trees.
Plot in a valley, with high humidity.The shape of the plot any, but it's better if certain boundaries are "wrong".
Source: domashniy.ru/
House on a plot of this style should not be evident, the walls would be good to use for vertical gardening. Perfect for this girlish grapes. The Foundation of the English garden is the lawn or several lawns connected to each other. The lawns are so popular that they "do" even tracks. Of course, for these paths we need to spread the mixture, the most resistant to trampling.
Along the perimeter of the lawn is usually planted with ornamental trees and shrubs, but they can also be fruit. A traditional element – a pond landscape, especially beautiful overgrown. Best of all beside him will look of a weeping willow. Well, additionally, the pond is better to decorate with perennials growing at the shoreline: reed Mace, forget-me-nots, globe-flower, or marigold. Perfect styling will make Siberian irises, sedges and reeds.
The most suitable for English gardens, trees with weeping and pyramidal crown. Flowers in the English garden a bit. The basic principle of bright flowers planted only near the house, and the rest of the preferable low-key, with mostly perennials, in appearance resembling a "natural" plants. However, the English garden is unthinkable without rose here is quite appropriate their whole collection, including groundcover, and climbing, and suitable companions for them will be the delphinium and Foxglove.In this style many moseni. For some of them, for a more complete styling and decorating, you can use ceramic tiles "handmade" that you will paint themselves with colors for ceramics. Put it in some places among the brick or stone walls. If you want to decorate so heavily used track, you need to use tiles for the floor.
The unusual layout of the English garden:the House is located in the heart of the site or hidden behind trees. Sculptures must be clearly visible. Gazebos are placed on the intersection of the tracks. The whole garden is not visible immediately.
Decorative and fruit trees planted around the perimeter of the lawn.
The lawn should be visible from all views points of the plot. Respect for old trees, they are included in the layout.
Color scheme:
The basic garden color green, and more shades. Use plants with silvery, light green, light green and dark green foliage.
Plants English style:
Trees: hazel, larch, chestnut, birch, oak, Rowan.
Shrubs: lilac, mock orange, dogwood, Euonymus.
Perennials and flowers: rodgersia, ferns, Hosta, common rhubarb, saxifrage, Columbine, roses, delphinium, Foxglove, Phlox, onion giant and common wormwood, cattails, forget-me-nots, globe flower, marigold, Siberian irises, sedges and reeds.
Accessories style:
Benches: wooden, wrought iron or stone. The location of the benches under the trees, on the catwalks, on retaining walls. Small and low podiums of stone or tile "under a rock". Antiques.
Inclusions of ceramic tiles to decorate the tracks. Containers − pots on one leg.
1-2 of sculpture of the classical type. It is acceptable to have 2-3 "colonial" accessory in Chinese, or African styles.
Requirements phase:
The best plot size for this style is 12 acres or more. Best of all, if the land is in the forest or at the forest edge. Desirable on a large plot of forest trees.
Plot in a valley, with high humidity.The shape of the plot any, but it's better if certain boundaries are "wrong".
Source: domashniy.ru/
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