Electric cars of the future

In the modern world is rapidly developing trend in the use of electric vehicles. The main reason is the lower cost of maintenance at higher mileage. Compared to conventional or hybrid cars, the cost of maintenance of electric vehicles (total cost of repair, replacement of parts and other costs except for fuel) are much smaller and can travel up to 100 miles on a single charge is very economical in comparison with petrol or diesel engines.
But there are drawbacks to the use of electric vehicles. The main disadvantage is the acceleration. You'll need more time to get the car and pick up speed. The scientific staff of the automotive companies are working on this problem and trying to develop more powerful engines. In the near future we will see cars comparable to conventional cars in this area.

Another disadvantage of electric vehicles is the mileage on a single charge, which on average does not exceed 100 miles, and this is much less than the mileage of conventional cars with a full tank. Scientists are trying to increase the capacity of the battery, reduce its size (to increase trunk space) and reduce charging time (currently 6 hours).
In addition, we developed the luxurious interiors for electric vehicles. Car companies are making great efforts in creating luxury models in this segment, and in the near future we will see all the traditional cars of premium class electric vehicles.

In electric cars, fuel tank and engine, replaced motor, battery, sensors, controllers and charger. This leads to increased size and weight of the machine and loss of efficiency. In addition, the replacement batteries are also very expensive. In further studies, the efficiency can be improved.
The total cost of the electric vehicles and the cost of insurance more expensive than for regular cars, and it largely depends on the use of powerful lithium batteries that is required to start the motor. In the near future there will be new kinds of batteries, and the price of EVS will drop significantly.

There is a corresponding "sockets" at the stations is also a problem. Equipment for electric vehicle charging have not yet installed everywhere. In the future this equipment will be installed in all public areas and in Parking lots, and the number of users of electric vehicles will grow exponentially.
Source: ecomot.ru/